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Guest Imladil

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I've been waiting 3 days for somebody to post. Unfortunately, my lack of originality is my own demise. I would've posted something, but I doubt you'd want to hear about "The time we each drank a 24 and chased squirrels all over highway 440".


You got point !

Assault the base !




Moff Kint



I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


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Guest Shootist

I've been moitoring every day, but the downward spiral here caused vertigo. Glad some folks are still around. Anybody else???




Bill the Cat


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Guest Imladil

Apparently, we're all just waiting to see if anyone else has anything clever to say...


Don't look at me! I've been holding my own in a theological discussion at Jediknight.net, and my clever vibes are tapped. wink.gif

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Allright, I'll give it a try.


You know what I'd like to see in the near future? Rogue Squadron II: The Battle for Bilbringi.


They could set it in the Timothy Zahn / Heir to the Empire era. It would kick a$$. You'd get to fly with the rogues and try to foil Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces. You could play multiplayer, and choose your side. Hell, you could even go grab a Bantha Slurpy at the Mos Eisley Cantina, and have a talk with Wuher & the gang. It would have space fights instead of the planetary fighting mode of the original Rogue Squadron, and you could choose your Rogue pilot.



Huh ? HUH ????







Moff Kint



I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


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Guest Imladil

Howzabout: Rogue Squadron II--The Klingon wormhole wars? Here's our chance to see how good our puny little snub fighters really do against antimatter-driven warpspeed combat ships of the line... wink.gif


<font size=1>Oops! That could start the debate going again...</font>



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Serious


"If I drop a superball from the top of the Empire State Building, will it bounce?"


--Little Jimmy



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against antimatter-driven

warpspeed combat ships of the line...


Not to start another SW vs ST fight (especially not against the master of all posts smile.gif ), but I'd like to see those ships engage a 1050+ turbolasers, 600 Tie Fighters, 96 bombers, 100 AT-ATs, 700,000 crew & 150,500 troops, 18 kilometers long planet-crackin' Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer!


Capt'n Picard : Engaged !

Admiral Holtz : Destroy.




Don't be too harsh on me. Please ... ?




Moff Kint



I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.



[This message has been edited by Kint (edited January 12, 2000).]

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Guest Imladil

--Precisely why we need more players at the table! wink.gif


I actually played Rogue Squadron last night. I've had it more than a year, and it's still fun.


Although I, too, am at the point of DEMANDING a new Star Wars flight sim for the Nintendo 64! Is there a reason that X-Wing Alliance et al cannot be downloaded into a friggin' N64 cartridge? I mean, really!


Grrrr...where's the control room?!? I demand to see the captain!



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Serious


"If I drop a superball from the top of the Empire State Building, will it bounce?"


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Lt Guilo

Well, it could have SOMETHING to do with how little storage space you can fit onto one of those stupid cartridges and still stay within your production budget, Imladil....I mean, if they actually HAD gone through with the 64DD like they'd originally planned, then perhaps; but good ol' Nintendo and their numerous vaporware product releases just COULDN'T come through once again, I'd fathom...

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Guest Imladil

I'm probably showing my computer ignorance even further with this, but why can't they just split it into two cartridges?


I have music CDs that do this, and a PC game that uses the same solution...


I finally got my new computer set up, but haven't quite got the games thing figured out. As soon as I do, I'll cave in and get XWA on CD-ROM. But until then, my original demands still stand!


<font color=yellow>"Eeek--!"</font>


...And now I've got a stewardess to bargain with. Get me the liquor cart! Take this plane to Afghanistan! And open up a window--it's getting stuffy in here.





"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Serious


"If I drop a superball from the top of the Empire State Building, will it bounce?"


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Shootist

New computer ya say? I'm probably leaving the door open, but I'll play yer silly game...What kinda computer did you get IMLADIL? (Standing by now for the clever barage)




Bill the Cat


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Guest flamin_tie

Wow. there are people here still.

First off, Kint, don't be workin your groove on Lujayne...we all know why wink.gif 2 I think a better Rogue Squadron II game would be Rogue Squadron II: Wraith Squadron, Fly x wings, ties, correlian cruisers, a wings, y wings, shuttles. If you read the book, you know what i mean.





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Guest DeathStarDestroyer

Oh my god, can i actually post from AOL again? After all that arguing I decided wasnt going to keep switching between ISP's to post on a board that didnt want me, but now that AOL is unblocked, I might try and stop back more often. By the way, does anyone post on the Sopranos Board? Just curious...

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Guest Imladil

Raven! Well wax my feathers and call me Squeaky! This place is actually seeing posts...


Shootist: it's called Star Trek: Starfleet Academy--Strategic Command. My comp is an Acer. It sure looks up to date, but that's about all I really know about it. I got the game installed okay, but I'm having problems working the danged starship! I mean, in the story they talk about a couple buttons on the joystick (which I didn't buy because it wasn't mentioned on the case) and some keyboard keys, then you're under attack! I'm left saying "What? Go back!"


To the idiots who designed this game: It could really benefit from a friggin' INSTRUCTION BOOK, morons!


Anyway. I can't wait to get the joystick and figure it out. They have a website, probably to help resolve stupid s**t problems like this in their crappily-designed games. It does look like fun, though...



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Fragmentary


"Is this my hand?"


--Little Jimmy




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Guest Lt Guilo

Haven't owned the comp for very long, have you, Imladil? biggrin.gif


You sound SO bitter, in an all-too-familiar sort of way...


It gets better. You'll see. smile.gif

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