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They should be the same between servers (like static trainers) but if Im wrong, feel free to slap me down.


One on Naboo I know of is in Kaadara. He's beside one of the guild halls. Recently did the dead eye quest w/ him and he has you run to recruiters and other coordinators in the guild halls.


Also and I may be WAY off on this one, is right outside the Keren starport. Seen him today on Wanderhome and it was either a recruiter, or coordinator. (didn't stop to look)

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Originally posted by Cavut0

Where is(are) the Imperial Coordinator(s) on Ahazi? I know on Tyrena, Corellia there is the Rebel one, but where is the Imperial Coordinator?


I'm thinking Theed, but seeing as though I have no creds atm lol...


Try Tattoinne or Kor Vella on Corellia, or even Dath

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