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Why do a lot people still play JO MP?


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Each to his own of course, but I don't really understand the logic here.


If JK2 sabering is superior to JA (I'll just take it as a given since it's an unprovable opinion), that still is only 1% of the overall gameplay. Sure, you say Sabers Only FF CTF (that all these elite clans played) but again, that's a tiny niche of the overall gameplay.


Most of the S/O FF CTF clanners I've talked to admit that outside that gametype (and possibly dueling) JA is fine. But oh, they claim, guns in the JK series are just terrible. Okay, well if that's your argument, then I guess the series sucks, since guns make up a huge part of it.


Again, I'm assuming that people are taking the two games and assuming that the ONLY way to play is "saber 2 saber" as a certain Jedi likes to say on my server. ; P



I rest my case then... *sigh*



The maps thing is simple, you can play any and all JK2 maps in JA, with minor tweaking. The popular maps have already been converted or remade in the new game or are in the process of being remade/converted. The skins already work. The gamemodes work with OJP + converted JK2 maps. Putting your map in JA means you can add vehicles and have more objects and pretty shaders in it too.


So what's left?


Another thing I wonder is if people actually prefer the third party mod maker produced dual sabers/saberstaff in JK2 to the Raven created ones in JA?


Because remember Jedi Academy mod and others are the most popular with the JK2 crowd today.

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

Since i am a jk2 player and a jka player i can tell you that the good clans of CTF saber only/fullforce don't like JA because of everything. bad maps, bad lifts and other stuff. while in jk2 u need to have skills to play well ctf, the same doesn't happy in ja ctf. kicks are extremely usefull in CTF, and don't tell me that they are invincible beucase u can kick first OR u can make the red glitch. u don't know it? then u probably never played a decent CTF game. most of people of jk2 ctf tried jka ctf and didn't like it because of this. unbalaced sabers? well that's not the worst problem. it's like playing against a speed+rager. just need to work on defense. the problem is really the all others. and btw in a jka ctf so/ff a flag carrier only dies if he wants it. why? because u can avoid all the moves, u don't need to fight. in jk2 u can't do it.


Well the good JO SO FF ctf clans are the ones that played too much in ctf JO (and well other games too) and therefor they rule at THAT, becoming elite. JA SO FF ctf is diferent, i can tell u that cause i was very good at JO ctf and i have been playing a lot of JA ctf lately. But this diference is apreciated wrongly by those elite clans that realize their strategys dont work anymore, so they prefer the old game where they know they will still be good.


Actually the ctf i have been playing the most is with guns, and it sux bad, usually at chop shop or refresh server.

I have played a lot of times in the Xmod server which runs the xmod, with kicks SO and FF, but the rolls are buged and the hit detection system is awful, so it sux too.


I also said when the game was released that playing ctf with jedi master force level screws the gameplay, cause they will have full push pull, full absorb, full heal, full speed and seeing. With that u r unstopable, even more with team heal and team energize.


Playing with the midle level of force and an slow regen of force makes the game very balanced. thats the way the good ctf was played in JO, at least in 1.02. And if the diverse team is gona say again that not having all the force powers suck, well then u r all a bunch of noobs, and should go back to JO.


The problem is that there isnt a good SO FF CTF server out there for JA.


Now, about duels, they are way better in JA than in JO, u think parrys are random? well u r a ****ing noob, when u perfect that aspect of the game u will see why is the game so balanced.

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