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Lot A Gameshark Codes

Guest Comet_Mystic

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Guest Comet_Mystic

Heeeeerres the codes!

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron


1 Crocc's Button Activator 1 D0130B88 00??

2 Crocc's Button Activator 2 D0130B89 00??

Useful Codes

3 All Lasers Do No Damage For Everyone 8005CB01 0021

4 Always Pass Mission 80130B14 0001

5 Last Objective Done 80130B15 0008

6 Infinite Lives 80130B10 0008

7 Infinite Secondary Weapons 8010CA32 0008

8 99 Kills 80130B85 0063

9 99 Saves 80130B86 0063

10 Have All Levels & Ships 80130B4D 007E

11 All levels Except Bonus Levels 80130B5B 0001

12 DIRECTOR Cheat Activated 80130B62 0001

13 Press Right C-Button For Invisible Ship D0130B89 0001 80139563 0012

14 Press Right C-Button For Fast Animation D0130B89 0001 8013959D 0010

15 Press Right C-Button For No Other Rogues In Level D0130B89 0001 80139561 0012

16 Press Right C-Button For No Radar D0130B89 0001 80139577 001D

17 Infinite Health 1 81137E7C 4316

18 Completion Time Is 00:00 81130B73 0000

19 100% Accuracy 80130B80 0064

20 Level Modifier 2 800CDAC1 00??

21 Change Intro Background 3 80130B73 00??

22 All Power-Ups 80130B4E 00FF

23 Super Invincibility 4 80130B4D 00FF

24 Fast Armor Regeneration 81137E7E FFFF

25 No Armor Regeneration 81137E7E 0000

26 Add Sky To Intro 80130B71 0011

27 Funky Flying 80130B89 00FF

28 Can't Play Levels, Game Shows Demos 80130B53 00FF

29 No Controller 80130B8C 0000

30 1-Hit Death 81137E7C 0000

31 Enable Everything 81130B7D 7EFF

32 Almost No Buildings 80130B42 0002

33 Can't Use Secondary Weapons 80130B43 0000

34 Weapon Modifier 5 80130B43 00??

35 Secondary Weapon (Missile) Modifier 6 80130B43 00??

36 Controller Setting Modifier 7 80130B45 00??

37 Language Modifier 8 80130B46 00??

38 Funky Colors On Terrain 80130B4C 0008

39 Screws With Settings 80130B4F 0008

40 Weird Medal If Fail Mission 80130B27 0008

41 Height Modifier 81137DC4 ????

42 Camera Height Modifier 8113846C ????

43 Position Modifier 9 81137DC0 ???? 81137DC4 ???? 81137DC8 ????

44 Fog Modifier 80136FBC 00??

45 Max Fog 80136FBC 0000

46 Flat level 81136DD0 4000

47 Very Hilly Level 81136DD0 431C

48 Mountain Height Modifier 81136DD0 ????

49 Ground Level Modifier 81136DF0 ????

50 Ground Color Modifier 1 10 81136E00 ????

51 Ground Color Modifier 2 11 81136E04 ????

52 Ground Color Modifier 3 12 81136DFC ????

53 Chopped Up Level 80136DF9 0047

54 Look Thru Walls 13 81136DCA C180

55 Director, Crash At Ship Select 80130B6A 0001

56 Crash After 1st Screen 80130B70 0001

57 Director, Crash At Level Load 80130B71 0001

58 Level Picture Flashes 800CDAC2 ????

GS Button For Gold Medals Won

59 Ambush at Mos Eisley 14 88130B1C 00??

60 Rendezvou on Bankhesh 88130B1D 00??

61 The Search For The Noonnah 88130B1E 00??

62 Defection At Corellia 88130B1F 00??

63 Liberation V 88130B20 00??

64 The Jade Moon 88130B21 00??

65 Imperial Construction Yard 88130B22 00??

66 Assault on Kile II 88130B23 00??

67 Rescue on Kessel 88130B24 00??

68 Prisons on Kessel 88130B25 00??

69 Battle Above Taloraan 88130B26 00??

70 Escape From Fest 88130B27 00??

71 Blockade on Chandrila 88130B28 00??

72 Raid on Sullust 88130B29 00??

73 Moff Seerdon's Revenge 88130B2A 00??

74 The Battle of Calamari 88130B2B 00??

75 Beggar's Canyon 88130B2C 00??

76 The Death Star Trench Run 88130B2D 00??

77 Battle of Hoth 88130B2E 00??

78 99 Bonus Collected 80130B87 0063

Number Comments

1 With this code, you can still die if you run into something DEAD on.

2 00 - Ambush At Mos Eisley

01 - Rendezvous On Barkhesh

02 - Search For The Nonnah

03 - Defection At Correllia

04 - Liberation At Gerrard V

05 - Jade Moon

06 - Imperial Construction Yard

07 - Assault On Kile II

08 - Rescue On Kessel

09 - Prisons Of Kessel

0A - Battle Above Taloraan

0B - Escape From Fest

0C - Blockade On Chandrila

0D - Raid On Sullust

0E - Moff Seerdon's Revenge

0F - Battle Of Calamari

10 - Beggar's Canyon

11 - Death Star Trench

12 - Battle Of Hoth

3 00 - Ambush At Mos Eisley

01 - Rendezvous On Barkhesh

02 - Search For The Nonnah

03 - Defection At Correllia

04 - Liberation At Gerrard V

05 - Jade Moon

06 - Imperial Construction Yard

07 - Assault On Kile II

08 - Rescue On Kessel

09 - Prisons Of Kessel

0A - Battle Above Taloraan

0B - Escape From Fest

0C - Blockade On Chandrila

0D - Raid On Sullust

0E - Moff Seerdon's Revenge

0F - Battle Of Calamari

10 - Beggar's Canyon

11 - Death Star Trench

12 - Battle Of Hoth

13 - Normal Intro

14 - Bonus Level (Chicken Code)

4 This is much better than the Infinite Armor code. You can never die, even when you hit something dead on. You can go through any enemy (even AT-ATs) or building and blow it up without taking any damage.

5 This code is great if used along with Interact's Infinite Secondary Weapon code! It allows you to use different weapons on different ships (bombs for the X-wing for example). It does not work well with the tie fighter or snow speeder, but it seems to work fine with the other ships though.

Replace ?? with the following digits to choose your weapon:

01 - Ion Blaster

02 - Missiles

03 - Homing Photon Torpedo

04 - Bombs

05 - Photon Torpedo

07 - Cluster Missiles

09 - Homing Cluster Missiles

0A - Unusable Ammo

FF - Nothing

6 01 - Ion Cannon

02 - Missiles

03 - Seeker Missiles

04 - Bombs

05 - Proton Torpedoes

07 - Cluster Missiles

08 - Seeker Torpedoes

09 - Seeker Cluster Missiles

7 00 - Luke's Setting

01 - Wedge's Setting

02 - Janson's Setting

03 - Hobbie's Setting

8 00 - English

01 - German

02 - French

03 - Mystery Language #1

04 - Mystery Language #2

9 Find the place you want to start at, then look up the codes in the memory editor. If you want to use them as a starting point modifier, make the codes gs button activated (89). Also, the first code is the x co-ordinate, the second is the y co-ordinate, and the third code is the z co-ordinate.

10 41C0 - Red-Pink

42C0 - Normal

43C0 - Light Green

11 4194 - Yellow

4294 - Normal

4394 - Purple

12 41EA - Blue-Green

42EA - Normal

43EA - Red-Orange

13 This code is very glitchy and unstable. It will freeze often.

14 00 - None

01 - Bronze Medal

02 - Silver Medal

03 - Gold Medal

Person Codes

mmochel@bitcorp.net & Jimling@prodigy.net 78

Ryan Toluchanian 3, 14, 15, 16

InterAct 6, 7, 8, 9

Mango 4, 5, 13, 38, 39, 40

Crocc 1, 2, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54

Jonathan 34

Zap2 55, 56, 57, 58

CodeMaster 10, 17, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77


1 Ship Modifier 1 80130B41 00??

2 Atmosphere Modifier/New Level 2 81130B72 00??

3 Play Level Modifier In Demo 3 81130B40 ???? 81130B52 51B0

4 2 Cannon X-Wing (Choose X-Wing, Play Any Level) 8005946C 0001

5 Alls Off For Sky (Try This on Talorann) 80059D2A 0001

6 Empty Levels, Except For Ghost Enemies & Structures 8103E712 0104

7 Indestructable/Partial Walls Off (Not Even Hitting Something Dead on Will Kill You) 81130B4C 37FD

8 Enlarge All Buildings/Structures (Works Best on Chandrila) 80059C97 0001

9 Enlarge Many Buildings/Structures 80059C94 0001

10 Pancake All Buildings/Structures (Works Best on Chandrila) 80059C88 0001

11 Pancake Many Buildings/Structures 80059C95 0001

12 See Full Radar 8001EBE2 0066

13 Maximum Visibility (Works Best on Level Nonnah) 80017100 0001

14 Minimum Visibility 80017198 0001

15 Sudden Death, You & Enemies Have Super Powerful Lasers 8005CB00 0001

16 No Lasers For You & Enemies (You Can Still Use Secondary Weapons) 8005CB94 0001

17 No Lasers For You & Other Rogues 8005CB92 0001

18 Most Laser Fire Goes Off in The Wrong Direction 8005CA46 0001

19 Big Lasers 8005E650 0001

20 Shoot Through Land 8005CB35 000E

21 Tie & Walker Lasers go Slow & Last Only Short Distance 8005CB75 000E

22 Aircraft on Rollercoaster 80019150 0003

23 No Background 80042A20 0042

24 No Vertical Camera 8004D7E2 0001

25 Camera Absolutely Stationary 8004D762 0001

All Enemy Action Modifier Codes

26 Parallel Shock Waves From Blasts 8007000F 0004

27 Enemies Tilt Up To 90 Degrees. (AT-ATs & WD's Look Neat) 8001912E 0001

28 Enemies Go Backwards. (World Devastator Goes Over Hills With This Code, it Looks Neat) 8001912B 0001

29 Enemies In Whirlwind 8001912A 0066

30 Enemies Act Strange 80019124 0040

31 Enemies Act Somewhat Strange 8001912C 0001

Walker Action Modifier Codes

32 Enemies Twitchy 80019126 000C

33 ATATs on Their Backs & Hogtied. Doesn't Work on Levels With Mini-Walkers, Jade, Fest 8001D8D0 0001

34 Exorcist Walkers 80082A06 0001

35 Walkers Dance, Works on Fest 8001D8D4 0001

36 Walkers Swat There Legs up Into The Air 8001D87D 0001

37 Walkers Legs Messed up 8001D86E 0001

38 Walkers Have Problems With There Hinges 8001D65C 0001

39 Walkers Have Minor Problems With There Hinges 8001D658 0001

40 Walkers Legs Shakey 8001D9F2 0001

41 Walkers Shakey 8001DADF 0028

42 See Full Level Select Picture at Level Select Screen (Looks Interesting) 800212B9 0003

43 Face Picture Modifier at Start Screen 4 81130B58 00??

44 Decapitated Skywalker Start Screen 81055860 1199

45 Aircraft Twirl 80065E36 0001

46 Aircraft Stretched 80059BC4 0001

47 Pancake Many Enemies 80059BD0 0001

48 Stretched Enemy Planes 80059BDE 0001

49 Enemies Slanted 80059B97 0001

50 No Laser & Other Types of Explosion Effects 8000B207 0001

51 No Explosion Flames 80026837 0001

52 Small Explosion Flames 80026837 00FF

53 Blue Fumes 80014647 0063

54 Black Fumes 80014647 00FF

55 Dark Blue Fumes 80014647 0003

56 Infared Vision 8001E555 0001

57 Infarblue Vision 8001E550 0001

58 Infargreen Vision 8001E55A 0001

59 Multicolor Vision 800254B7 0086

60 Shadow Vision 8001513B 0003

61 Jelly Vision 800250FF 00CF

62 Waffle Vision 800254A7 0055

63 Wide Vision 8011A841 0009

64 Specific Things Invisible 8011A84D 0061

65 Sky oOtlined 8001F86F 0003

66 Sky Tint Green 8001F86F 0001

67 Sky Tint Light Green 8001F86F 0002

68 Ground Outlined 80049A72 0001

69 World Devastator Has no Exhaust 8004044F 00FF

70 World Devastator Exhaust Goes South 800414FF 00FF

71 World Devastator Has Little Exhaust 8004127F 0001

72 Lasers Give Off Purple Light 8004B831 0001

73 No Music Just Sound FX 8008465A 0001

74 No Sound Except For Voice Clips 800849A9 0001

75 Landscape Dark/no Pilot in Plane 80021C88 0001

76 Ground Level High 80067E29 0001

77 Neat Effect on Level Select Screen, Squish & Unsquishes Screen 8001C888 0003

78 Erase All Saved Games, Set All Settings Back to Default 80006A16 0001

79 Luke's Face Is Different 8013B59 0001

80 Start Button Mess Up 5 80130B80 0000

81 L Button Mess Up #1 6 80130B88 000F

82 L Button Mess Up #2 80130B88 000E

83 L Button Mess Up #3 80130B88 000D

84 L Button Mess Up #4 80130B88 000C

85 L Button Mess Up #5 80130B88 000B

86 Strobe Screen 80130B88 000B

87 View Changing Code 7 80130B88 000A

88 View Change & L Vutton Mess Up 80130B88 00BC

89 77 Bonus Points/77 Friends Saved/19789 Enemies Destroyed 80130B87 044D 80130B86 044D 80130B85 044D 80130B84 044D

90 77 Bonus Points 80130B87 044D

91 GS Button To Freeze The Game 8 80130B90 0063

92 Game Freezes During Intro #2 80132DDD 0063 80132DDF FFFF

93 Game Freeze During Intro 9 80132DDD 0063

94 Sometimes Different Crash Views #2 80130B92 0063

95 Sometimes Different Crash Views 10 80130B91 0063

96 Controller Mess Up (A, C-right, C-left) 11 80130B90 0063

97 Awesome View Changing 80130B88 0063

98 Only See Intro B11BCD89 A01D

99 Double Cut Scene 12 8112CA3E 00FF

100 Big Mess Up 13 8112CA3E FFFF 8112CCBE FFFF

101 99 Bonus Points 80130B87 0063

102 25443 Kills 80130B85 0063 80130B84 0063

103 Reverse Controls 80130B4F 00FF


Number Comments

1 00 - X-Wing

01 - Y-Wing

02 - A-Wing

03 - V-Wing

04 - Speeder

05 - Millenium Falcon

06 - Tie Interceptor

07 - T-16 Skyhopper

08 - Naboo Starfighter [Must Be Unlocked]

2 With this code, the ?? will be the level you play, but at the level select screen it will actual select a atmosphere. So if the last 2 ?'s were 00 for Mos Eisley and you picked Jade at the level select screen you'd be playing Mos Eisley at nighttime!

00 - Mos Eisley

01 - Barkhesh

02 - Nonnah

03 - Corellia

04 - Gerrard 5

05 - Jade

06 - Construction Yard

07 - Kile 2

08 - Rescue Kessel

09 - Prison Kessel

0A - Taloraan (Doesn't Seem to Work Well There)

0B - Fest

0C - Chandrila

0D - Sullust

0E - Moff Seerdon's

0F - Calamari

10 - Begger's Canyon

11 - Death Star

12 - Hoth

13 - Play Intro Demo

14 - Chicken

3 With this code, change the last 2 ?'s to the digits for the Atmosphere Modifier code, and change the first 2 ?'s to the digits of the plane that you want to fly in that level.

4 01 - Red Bearded Guy

02 - Smiley Man

04 - Red Haired Man

5 This code pauses the game all the time.

6 This code messes up the views when you press the L button.

7 This code messes up the views if you press the Camera button.

8 This code is really fun for those cool moments when a ship is crashing.

9 This code freezes the game during the intro scenes.

10 This code sometimes makes the crash views messed up.

11 This is another one of the best codes I have made for Rogue Squadron. It is a `must have'.

12 This code sometimes makes the cut scenes repeat.

13 This code makes the game not start and can sometimes erase your data.

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Guest The Master

I really want to thank you on providing all of these game shark codes. I will be sure to use some of them. (If not all.) biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue15

I'm going to buy a gameshark sometime this month smile.gif master can you confirm the use any ship on speeder level for me?




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Guest Comet_Mystic

It will work, you can also use any ship on Beggar's Canyon! Don't use the speeder on Tolaran... you've been warned. Try the Y-wing or A-wing on the death star.

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Guest Comet_Mystic

I'm sorry but unless you can find the 2 didgits for it, no you cannot use the AT-ST. But if you want to try just change the last two didgits of the code. Tested on 2.0 and 3.0 gamesharks. Almost all work with a 2.0 (In fact they work better on my 2.0 than 3.0, sad eh?).

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Guest Comet_Mystic


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Guest Comet_Mystic

In reply to Rouge 15's post yes you can with the following code:


2 Atmosphere Modifier/New Level 2 81130B72 00??

2 With this code, the ?? will be the level you play, but at the level select screen it

will actual select a atmosphere. So if the last 2 ?'s were 00 for Mos Eisley and you

picked Jade at the level select screen you'd be playing Mos Eisley at nighttime!

00 - Mos Eisley

01 - Barkhesh

02 - Nonnah

03 - Corellia

04 - Gerrard 5

05 - Jade

06 - Construction Yard

07 - Kile 2

08 - Rescue Kessel

09 - Prison Kessel

0A - Taloraan (Doesn't Seem to Work Well There)

0B - Fest

0C - Chandrila

0D - Sullust

0E - Moff Seerdon's

0F - Calamari

10 - Begger's Canyon

11 - Death Star

12 - Hoth

13 - Play Intro Demo

14 - Chicken


P.S. - This code might be able to change the chicken level, MAYBE, so you might be able to play as AT-ST in any level. I'll try it and post the results.

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Guest Comet_Mystic

I was wrong... THE EARTH IS COMING TO IT'S END! (J/K) But I made a MAJOR discovery


MAJOR DISCOVERY: I found that the AT-ST level loads the backround yet... it doesn't load the chosen ship. But any other level, even ones with restricted ship access such as Speeder levels, will load any ship hmmm....


Sounds like Rouge 15 was right! There most likely IS a code to get all ships in every level. And, this is EXTREMLY unlikely, perhaps you can have a T-16 in that empty space in the hangar... but it may be something else. I wonder....

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Guest The Master

I don't think lucasarts is done letting out codes! In this months issue of Nintendo Power they just let out the codes to change Luke's face in the begining! This could be a very good sign!

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Guest Rogue15

here's an idea, try putting in different 2 digit numbers, like what you do for different ships, go from 00-99 it'll only take 99 tries to see, i'm glad the speeder code works. :-)




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Guest Rogue15

oh, and did you notice that the t-16 has lasers...charged? there has to be a t-16 code for it to be used in any level, 'cause if you shoot at anythign with the t-16's lasers (like a good guy) it'll say you cheated.

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Hey R15 can get a pic from my site. I'll tell ya were it is and you put it up! reply and I'll tell ya it has an At-St in it and no i didn't do anything

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