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Can anyone tell me what file I need to edit to make the merchant at korriban (the one who lets you buy all those neato and expensive items) sell me his items? Because I did the Juhani sidequest which screwed up the triggers for the twi'lek to show up and give me an invite to Mika's shop. Which is why I'm taking it upon myself to fix this error that was never fixed in the xbox version and transferred to the pc version. Anyway, I would be very grateful if anyone can help me fix this glitch the Bioware Team should of fixed before releasing to the pc.





PS: I own both versions of kotor and love kotor, which is why I'm disappointed with Bioware. And for all those interested I will release this fix for everyone.

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I believe the file you are looking for is

korr_m33aa_s-->korr33_bartender.dlg. In there, you'll see a branch that checks the global number k_Exchange_Store. This global needs to be set to 5 for you to gain access to the premium store.


I haven't played the game enough times to notice the bug you mentioned, but there are at least two ways to fix this. The easiest is to remove the check in the above dlg file altogether. However, if you do this you'll always gain access to the store. Another way is to write a simple script that sets this variable to 5 and design the script to be executed at a point that you want to be able to access the store. Good luck!

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