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Guest Sky Master

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Guest Gold Squadron Leader

Only a few brave and lucky fellows have survived the onslaught of the Empire. But we are strong! The Rebel Alliance lives on! And we will make those Imperial scumbuckets pay for their treachery. Grrrrrrr...



Ties are flies, swat'em!

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Guest Green 4

Hey, just woke up. Whoah, whats with all this flamming reckage? Did ya'll have a battle or something, or did Master get drunk again?



huh? What i do? Supposed to put it in the other socket? Uh oh...

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Guest Sky Master

Ok Kint,Green4.I have a mission for you two .Go to all friendly ports and get new men and kids to join the rebel forces.Take all your weapons too.

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I check in once in a while to see if there is anything new. Otherwise I have been spending every spare second trying to blow up that Imperial landing ship in the rescue mission. I have rammed myself up it's tailpipe numerous times. Well time is up, it's coming back for another go around.

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Guest The Master

Hi RJ. Now lets sort things out, I didn't get drunk. There was a battle, and we came out victorious. We need new people, I invited two friends to the forums and I doubt that they will come unless I keep bugging them.

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Guest Gold Squadron Leader

RJ, that's a brave boy! Keep ramming that Imperial transport till she blows!



Ties are flies, swat'em!

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Guest flamin_tie

(appears in glowing-dead-jedi form)

I am still here...with 200 posts now, Master.

Wait a sec...aww c'mon Obi!! I kicked your ass six times at that stupid game already! Well, gotta vaporize, crybaby Obi wants to lose again. Kint- Stay sober next time you fly, k?


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Why don't we HAVE A REUNION with...uhm....Cake and Ice Cream and proton torpedo's and lasers and and......



Ahh the classical scene from Star Wars Episode 6 : Return of the Jedi


(the scene takes place in the Emperors Palace, 0000 Way Up Street,DeathStar,Space)

Darth Vader:Luke I am your Son's, mothers, fathers, demolition expert, plumbers, favorite authors, Roommate!!!

Luke: What does that have to do with us?!

Darth Vader: Absolutly NOTHING

Luke: NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darth Vader: YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! Luke Come to the Neo Polked dotted Striped Blown up side of the Force!!


Darth Vader: ALWAYS wait I'm mean YES!!!!

Luke:Never You slurped up piece of Pond Scum!

Darth Vader: so you know my true Identidy.

Luke: yeah it goes all around the Internet!

Darth Vader: Oh really? Who gave you the piece of the Information?!

Luke:the Emperor himself!!!!

Darth Vader: Ahh lets go in business say...........Force Side Fixxits!

Luke: sure i'll use my powers like choking and pullying so we can Kill the customer then get all his money then we'll have a regualer business!!!!

Darth Vader: Yes and our first target..........Bill Gates!

Both: Mwhahahahahaha(Choking) ( a furball comes up)

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Guest Sky Master

How about this.At the 200 Death Star.Outside the Imperial city. ---------------------------------------------Luke:Men,keep on fighting. Ewok biggrin.gifembow?(What does this do?) BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke:Alright

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Guest Sky Master

Ewok in English:"He is the main course." Han Solo"What did he say?" C-3po:"I rather embarrassed Captain,but your the main course in a banquat in my honor." Ewoks biggrin.gifo tum do year ar id ow oo dom.

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