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Guest Imladil

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Guest Redwing

As for the water falling from the firmament, that caused the dinosaur's extinction as it ended the earth-wide tropical environment, and mammals were better able to adapt...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

causing a temporary Ice age in northern lands, killing off dinosaurs and causing mammals to adapt to the modern Arctic and cold-weather versions...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Imladil

Water can be used as a metaphor for the subconscious mind. When we learn to still its agitation, ripples and resulting distortions, we can see all the way to the bottom.


Holding the water still is the hard part. wink.gif

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Guest Imladil

Zen is a Japanese form of meditation. The student reflects upon a koan or 'riddle.' The koan is a riddle that has no answer which is fully definable with words; contemplation of these, which are intended to point to infinity, can lead one to enlightenment. a well-known such koan is 'what is the sound of one hand clapping?'


I have modified the approach a bit for our purposes here. wink.gif The koans I (usually) come up with do point to the infinite, but in such a way that discussion is beneficial.


Water as a metaphor for the subconcious is mentioned in Zen Buddhist philosophy. The koan effectively transfixes the water...and allows the meditator to see all the way to the bottom. Curiously, in the Jewish yoga-like meditational system of kabbalah, water is associated with Yesod, the 'sphere' of consciousness where the subconscious resides.


*(Looks at the distance between Japan and Israel on a map.)* Hmmm...

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Guest Redwing

Ummm ya, me too biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

yep. there is no matter for the suns light or temperature to reflect on. the particles are too tightly packed well, at leaset maybe

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Guest Imladil

In the center of the sun, there would be no shadows.


Or would it be 'dark,' as it would be impossible for one to be there to perceive it? wink.gif We come to a perennial philosophical discussion, one which is usually expressed with the question, 'If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?'


But sound is not light. Sound is a vibrational phenomenon, while light is a thing that is both a particle and a wave...essentially, you couldn't fill a box with sound, but you might be able to fill it with light.


What, then, is darkness? biggrin.gif

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Guest flamin_tie

i am darkness...and this darkness is mighty confused by your jibba-jabba....if someone dont stop this nonsense, im gonna beat you into cream cheese!




T-ifies any web page, sucka!

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Guest Imladil

...It occurs to me that there aren't many people who come to this forum. rolleyes.gif


Is it possible for me to move this to the Pilot's Lounge? How do I do that?



'So, how do you like my new screaming Gungan hood ornament?'

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Guest flamin_tie

Hey! Murdock, is this your chicken? You bettah not mess with my van, foo! Iain't afraid of flying, and I ain't afraid of no monkeys either.



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Guest Imladil

Pregnant chickens with you and the seahorse that bestowed you upon our shores as the next Donny Osmond!


Is this the bus to the hospital?

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