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A cool mod idea, need help with it


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i have an idea for a mod ( well 2, but I"ll go on just one right now)


See i was playing JO in JA (go here to know how http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?t=91472) and so i was playing SP, the JO SP levels and i though, we could try to make an mod that has the JO story fixed, like look at everything that would be fixed


SP= when u hit new, u have an choice to play JO or JA, JO voices, story would be fixed in JA. able to play SP maps from JO that people made, with out it being messed up, Cut sences would be fixed, Ojectives will also be fixed,


MP= all JO maps would work, and gametypes also, JO maps that people made would be fixed cause of the textures, Most errors would be fixed,


SP and MP= textures would be fixed, Mods from JO would work prefectly,


See guys, this is why i need some help with all of this, I'm good at mapping and modeeling, so i need some people good with all the other skills, and the same skill that i have, it sounds hard, but we could give it a shot, if u need to talk to me, at MSN= hydefreundlich@hotmail.com or AIM =Hyde1992


thax, also, I'll get promission from Raven, but where do i go to get there promission?

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