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More Rogue Leader pictures!

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15
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Guest Rogue15



Why could not I resist looking at those pictures! ah, pc version WILL be better.





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[This message has been edited by Rogue15 (edited October 14, 2001).]

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Guest snooozer

well screw you too then :p


seriously, you should be THANKING me in that post, i was the one who posted all of those screenshots and a lot of them are from MY OWN DARN SITE. yeah its nice of Rogue15 to make one handy nice post about them over here, but like I said in that first topic, check out the GameFAQs board for all the up-to-date info cuz there'd be no way to post it all here. and there still isnt.


but yeah its easy to post a few screenshots, so yeah I guess i shoulda done it. still, just a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetle respect'd be nice.


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Guest snooozer

on a sidenote, us gamefaq folk are trying to migrate to another board...ezboards is down, and they have ads. this place WOULD BE COOL but hmmm, i duno. heh put me on the line with someone who can do something about it. i'm in no place to bargain but I can guarantee loads of traffic here, i can guarantee 100 visitors alone and at least 40 regulars. hmmm well i dunno, i'll keep thinking of a solution.


hopefully we can work out something that would be mutually beneficial to all of us. we want a new board and you guys want more traffic and more people to be posting info HERE first, not to mention gameplay discussion and all the havoc that will open up on Nov 18 when we all beat the game and start the Medal hunt. you need us, we need you.


well alright guys, talk to you later.

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Guest Rogue15

it's a waste of time to go running over there. *wonders if there is a www.gamfags.com website out there...but is too afraid to look*


This is a Rogue Leader board, and i figured it'd be good to put some Rogue Leader pics in it, this place seems abandoned all the time. You should've been the FIRST to post them here, snooz. tongue.gif

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Guest Rogue15

oh, ezboards...I have my own ezboard, it's a haunted one though, VERY freaky don't go there you'll get scared-like i did *remembers an old members post there which scared him into thinking it was on the date he went to check the new posts*


ah, ok...i've got an intro to the forums here: http://www.roguesquadron.net/forums...TML/002398.html


I look foreward to meeting some of you gamefaqs.com people.


btw, this site rarely goes down-and there's no annoying ads!

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Guest snooozer

the main problem though is we want our OWN board, where we can control everything.


for example:


-no mods/no purges/no topic deletions/no bans

-every post stays there forever no matter what

-a board where THERE ISNT a 1-post-per-60-seconds limit

-a board where you can post messages longer than a couple paragraphs (every time you try to post a message longer than a couple paragraphs here, it doesn't work, which is why sometimes I have to split up a post into several seperate posts)

-and preferably the ability to make individual forums within a forum, like our own Rogue Leader forum with seperate forums for pre-Nov18 discussion, for discussion of gameplay once it comes out, and even a Fast Times board (we're big on this kind of thing).


maybe we're asking too much. but a friend of ours has his own Rogue Leader site and he'd be able to create a forum that should be able to do all that and more. i dunno, I dont have a point i'm just throwin out ideas. later guys.

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Guest snooozer

Rogue15, that link you gave to your ezboard intro didnt work. hmmm...


oh and by the way, I see you fixed your post to thank me for the pics. hehh well no big deal. yeah i should have posted them here.


to be honest, those 7 pics on my site, I only had 2-3 on the site at first which I DID post here, in fact I gave the link to this site before I ever posted them on gamefaqs. but then I eventually uploaded all 7 pics and posted the link to gamefaqs. i would have posted it here but it just doesnt seem like there's much interest here for Rogue Leader.


let's see... myself, Rogue15, Lynk Former, and other than us 3 there doesnt seem to be anyone here who's really too interested in Rogue Leader.

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Guest Rogue15

oh, that 60 second flood control thing is because of some *AHEM* spammers. I could ask about it being taken away...


-no mods/no purges/no topic deletions/no bans

-every post stays there forever no matter what well, only thing we'd mod is the flamatory stuff and of course our censor thing is in place so u wouldn't worry about that too much...nothing ever gets deleted unless it's spam.

-a board where THERE ISNT a 1-post-per-60-seconds limit-like i said, i could beg an admin for it to be changed.

-a board where you can post messages longer than a couple paragraphs (every time you try to post a message longer than a couple paragraphs here, it doesn't work, which is why sometimes I have to split up a post into several seperate posts)-i know what u mean, i tried posting a funny aim discussion...i'll see about that getting changed.

-and preferably the ability to make individual forums within a forum, like our own Rogue Leader forum with seperate forums for pre-Nov18 discussion, for discussion of gameplay once it comes out, and even a Fast Times board (we're big on this kind of thing). well, although it's 80% unlikely to happen, i'll ask.


ok time for me to go to the provisional council and ask on your behalf...u wouldn't be a moderator tho...and everyone who'd be the mod of it never shows up here anyways unless i alert them. I'll see about that fast time forum, i think lujayne wouldn't mind putting that.


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Guest Rogue15

Originally posted by snooozer:

Rogue15, that link you gave to your ezboard intro didnt work. hmmm...


oh and by the way, I see you fixed your post to thank me for the pics. hehh well no big deal. yeah i should have posted them here.


to be honest, those 7 pics on my site, I only had 2-3 on the site at first which I DID post here, in fact I gave the link to this site before I ever posted them on gamefaqs. but then I eventually uploaded all 7 pics and posted the link to gamefaqs. i would have posted it here but it just doesnt seem like there's much interest here for Rogue Leader.


let's see... myself, Rogue15, Lynk Former, and other than us 3 there doesnt seem to be anyone here who's really too interested in Rogue Leader.


the only way to get people interested is to bring in a bunch of u rogue leader fanatics and convert us all by posting pictures and spoilers. (btw, here we don't mod spoilers and it doesn't need the spoiler thingy in the topic, altho i applaud u for doing so)



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Guest snooozer

Rogue15 wrote:

"hey, perhaps i could discuss some of this with the admins? I do have the key to the privisional council u know... "


yeah, that would be cool especially if you mention all those things I mentioned. I mean if they can actually give us that kind of flexibility, like I said I could GUARANTEE the following: 100 semi-regular visitors/posters to this board, 40 of those 100 being *definite* regulars here. if its not quite that kind of flexibility than i'm not sure. we really are looking for basically our *own* board where we can basically control whats up and whats down. i'm not realy asking, I mean you did mention it, so if it doesnt work out its no problem. like I said, a friend of ours has his own kick-ass Rogue Leader site and he could probably set up a forum in a couple weeks that would do all that stuff I said and more.

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Guest snooozer

oh. well you dont have to go WAY out of your way to ask or anything, I mean like I said we were kind of hoping for full flexibility. the ability to add new sub-forums within a forum is almost a must. i'll have to talk with my friend w/ the RL website about it. he said he'd be all for it but I should find out more about it and how long it would take to get it up and running.

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Guest snooozer

one last thing.


what I meant to say is, I dont think you should discuss it with any admins until we're exactly sure. I mean I was just throwing out ideas, and having a board where we are in control of everything I mentioned above is really what we're looking for. I'd hate for you to go discuss this stuff with any admins, using your divine influence, only to have 1 or 2 things still not be to our liking and then just have my friend's website be able to do all that stuff I mentioned and more.


so yah I was basically just throwing ideas around, I wouldnt want you to go out of your way to do this kinda stuff when we're not even sure. i was just talking out loud etc hehe.


im' sure in the coming days or weeks we will get to the bottom of the situation.

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Guest Rogue15

ok, I asked them. Hopefully they'll put the fastest time forums, I always thought that was cool.


Only thing we cannot and refuse to do is not mod the forum, moderate, as in look over the forum, nuke (aka ban) the ones who spam and flame, and move off topic discussions to correct forum. We won't, for instance, erase a good conversation when someone flames, we'd simply edit their post, which happens rarely.


I've been ready for over a year for a ton of action in these forums. And wouldn't miss the perfect opportunity for it.


Remember, RSN has GOOD mods. the mods over at gamefaqs.com are arrogant, and they are way too strict on their rules.


darn, the link doesn't work...anyways, go to the general discussion forum, it's posted there to 'bypassers and lurkers' hehehe.


[This message has been edited by Rogue15 (edited October 14, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Rogue15 (edited October 14, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue15

don't worry about it snooz, i asked them anyways, I personally would like the stuff u all want regardless if any gamefaqs.com members come or not.


hey, notice whenever u come and join in a conversation that I post more than 3 sentences? That is why I'd like more of you gamefaqs.com members to show up here. biggrin.gif the more the merrier. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Rogue15 (edited October 14, 2001).]

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Guest snooozer

yeah, a Fast Time/Challenges forum would rule all. that could span for Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo AND Rogue Leader. even if we dont end up settling here, we'd still use that kind of a forum here all the time, just because we have been planning this for a while.



you see, with the BFN fast times, it was all kind of like a collaborative effort. there was no 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place etc, instead it was just the Fastest Time. we didnt even list the person's name who got it. it was all just for the purpose of getting the fastest times. for RS Fast Times though, it was a MAJOR COMPETITION. ask someone like ATATwar, who has made a couple posts here (though he still considers gamefaqs to be home), he will tell ya, back in the summer, the amount of traffic was a lot. people would check in all day long to make sure their times hadn't been beaten, or to submit new times. and some of this led to occasional bickering.




[This message has been edited by snooozer (edited October 14, 2001).]

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Guest snooozer

so for RS2 fast times, the plan was to always team up together as gamefaqs, and take on the rest of the internet. if you had a Fast Time/Challenges forum here, that would be perfect. we could hold these big Challenges Competitions and Fast Times competitions and it would really get board spirit up. so that'd be cool regardless.


EDIT: i just changed the Fast Time forum to Fast Time & Challenges forum (the Rogue Squadron challenges were also heavily popular, but never got off the ground because of the stupid mod's there who thought it was off topic. retards).


[This message has been edited by snooozer (edited October 14, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue15

bring in a few of the members, and send them all to the talkback forum to ask for the forum, lujayne or ike might be nice enough to give it to us, if there's popular demand for it, and if we all promise to be good. (he's still upset about the stupid spammers I think)

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Guest snooozer

i posted there and gave my suggestion that there should be a Fast Times & Challenges board.


(when a game is mastered completely, ie: with all medals, then things like Challenges are just as popular as Fast Times, if not more so, since Challenges can apply to all things, such as Most Kills or Fastest Times in a particular ship, etc).


I also made it clear that I think there should be ONE Fastest Times & Challenges board instead of having 3 seperate ones for each game. one Fast Times & Challenges board is all we need, then from there we can make individual topics for each game.

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Guest Rogue15

ok, that'd be cool. now, get some more members over here to agree with you. *looks around hoping ike doesn't catch him*



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Guest Antilles2001

AWESOME PICS! It's just that the X-Wings on

Hoth look stupid how their s-foils are open when they're on the ground/snow.

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