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TSG jk2 clan recruiting


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hi everyone i am the leader of the jk2 clan The shinsen gumi or tsg we are looking for more members soo if any of you feel like joining come on by to http://www.serates.com and click on forums and post in the join forums. here

is some more info:


clan name: The Shinsen Gumi

clan tag: [tsg] or -{[tsg]}-

clan government type: democracy

clan government layout:

Shogun (clan leader) - 3 Vigos - Vereor Council - Juppon Gatana - normal members


clan server name: ..........................{tsg}

24/7 server: no not yet but coming soon

mods on server:

-jedi academy 1.6

-duelers mod 1.5 or so

-shinsen mod (in development)


if there is anything else you would like to know please ask my email is tsukayama@serates.com and my msn address is the same.

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