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Happy Easter


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actually, i still have three hours to go until easter. but, anybody got a good easter story of something that happened on either this easter day (if anything's happened yet), or on a past easter? here's a funny story...


one time, i was doing this easter egg hunt, you know where you collect the little plastic eggs in a field somewhere. i think i was only about 4 at the time, so i was picking up these eggs and i came across one and it looked a little different than the rest, but i figured, hey what the heck i'll pick it up anyway. so we finish collecting all of them and then we start to open the eggs and get the candy inside or whatever. so i go to open that one egg, and i try to crack it and it was an actual egg and the yolk and stuff got all over my hands. don't know how that egg got there, but i was the unlucky one that opened it. how was i supposed to know? i was 4. plus it looked like a plastic egg...some doofus must've set it all up. damn them. but...








actually that whole story is a lie. i just made that whole thing up. but that'd be pretty weird if that did happen, wouldn't it?


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