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Why won't the Malaks move when they are in your team?

Darth Straker

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I've changed three of our NPC's into the Jedi Malak, Darth Revan and Darth Malak models, and came to these conclusions:


Darth Revan works perfectly!

Jedi Malak will be skating if he has two swords and doesn't make attack moves (yet your enemy either dies or looses energy) ;

and Darth Malak (God help me!), well, skates everytime (with the exception if is carrying one sword), in battle he barely moves (he does one or other attack).

I don't understand, I copied their entire row into the NPC, but still this happens.


If anyone has managed to make them work perfectly, tell me your secret :)

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The malak and jedi malak models dont have attack animations for some weapons in the game, like dual swords. That's why Malak will use animations for attacks like flurry or power attack, (and he has custom animations)but not others, but that's it sadly. Unless an experienced modder new how to make new animations.


edit: In case that wasn't clear enough, (didn't sound that way to me) Malak IS attacking, but he has no animations. (Hence the weird 'enemy-suddenly-dies' thingy)

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Darth Straker, one thing to keep in mind is that though Darth Malak is not animated with blasters, dual swords/sabers, or double-bladed swords/sabers, he is animated with a single sword/saber. If you try attacking a target that is not wielding a sword/saber, the only attacks that will be animated are the attack feats. But, if you attack an enemy who does have some kind of sword or saber, all of Malak's attacks will be animated. That is, you'll be able to use his default attack in addition to his attack feats. If you are a Jedi Guardian, Malak will also be able to do a jump attack.


Note: The reason for all this, is that when you use Malak's model, you can only use the animations and moves that Darth Malak uses when he fights you, because those are the only ones he was programmed with. So, that also means that when you face an opponent who has a sword/saber, Malak will use that same unique style of fighting he used against you on the Leviathan and Star Forge. Of course, Force powers are also all animated.



Here are some pics of what I'm saying.





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Lol, today while I was in school I thought of that. Thanks for all the info guys.


As soon as I add Jawless Malak, I'll share this if someone wants it just tell me: but keep in mind my review of the characters and mono's and soulmaster's explanations .


Darth Makaan, it doesn't work because of the Cutscenes. Just for you to know, in the scene where malak is truning bastila to the sith; jedi malak appeared upside down and with no head. :(

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