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NPC in Jedi Outcast


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Hi, a little question.


How do you change the Force powers of the NPCs? In the NPC_list.txt file (whatever is its name) you can change many aspects of every NPC, its class, its sabercolor, etc. But I can't find any trace of a Force power list or which weapon the NPC carry.


Is it possible to change the level of Force powers? I'd like to change them for the story mode (for kyle I changed some level scripts).


Thanks in advance!

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This should tell you all you need to know its in the docs section of the SDK.


//Star Wars


NOTE: add new NPCs by putting their entries in a .npc file in ext_data


defaults and explanations of fields:

aggression 3 How likely they are to attack (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

aim 3 How good their aim is (from 1 (worst) to 5 (best))

earshot 1024 How far in map units they can hear, in map units

evasion 3 How likely they are to take cover or defensive maneuvers (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

hfov 45 Horizontal field of view, in angles

intelligence 3 How smart they are, in general (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

move 3 How complex their moves are when evading or in combat (from 1 (least) to 5 (most))

reactions 3 How quickly they react (from 1 (worst) to 5 (best))

shootDistance 0 Overrides current weapon's max range

vfov 34 Vertical field of view, in angles

vigilance 0.1 How likely they are to notice something (from 0 (never) to 1 (always))

visrange 2048 How far away they can see something, in map units

race none human, borg, parasite, klingon, malon, hirogen, stasis, species8472, dreadnought, harvester, reaver, avatar, vulcan

playerTeam none player, enemy, neutral

enemyTeam none player, enemy, neutral


health 100 Health of entity (if not supplied by designer)


moveType "runjump" Which movetype they can be (other choices are "static", "walk" and "flyswim"

yawSpeed 50 How quickly they can turn

walkSpeed 150 How fast they walk

runSpeed 300 How fast they run

acceleration 15 Acceleration (accel x 20fps = speed up per second, so accel of 15 means they can go from 0 to 300 in one second)

Accel of 0 means don't accel/decel - just start/stop (good if you're a slow mover anyway and/or robotic - like a Borg)


scaleX 100 X (horiz) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scaleY 100 Y (horiz) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scaleZ 100 Z (vert) scale, 100 is normal 100% scale

scale 100 Sets all above 3 to what you specify

headModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

torsoModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

legsModel "hazard" model directory/skin name

headYawRangeLeft 70 How far left you can turn your head (angles)

headYawRangeRight 70 How far right you can turn your head (angles)

headPitchRangeUp 60 How far up you can tilt your head (angles)

headPitchRangeDown 60 How far down you can tilt your head (angles)

torsoYawRangeLeft 60 How far left you can turn your torso (angles)

torsoYawRangeRight 60 How far right you can turn your torso (angles)

torsoPitchRangeUp 30 How far up you can tilt your torso (angles)

torsoPitchRangeDown 70 How far down you can tilt your torso (angles)


snd "munro" subdirectory of sound/player from which to get custom sounds (pain, death, jump, etc.)

dismemberProbHead 0 probability of head being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbArms 0 probability of arms being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbHands 0 probability of hands being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbLegs 0 probability of legs being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )

dismemberProbWaist 0 probability of waist being dismembered ( from 0 (never) to 100 (always) )


//starting weapon

weapon WP_NONE - what weapon to start with:
























altFire 0 - whether or not to use the alt-fire mode of your weapon as the default mode (0 = no, 1 = yes)


//FIXME: have a sabers.cfg and just name your saber here

//saber type

saber "" - what kind of saber to use (from sabers.cfg)

saber2 "" - what kind of saber to use as a second saber (from sabers.cfg)


//saber length

//NOTE: these should be inputted in order - setting "saberLength" automatically sets all of the others to the same length

saberLength 32 - how long the 1st saber's first blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength2 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's second blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength3 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's third blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength4 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's fourth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength5 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's fifth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength6 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's sixth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength7 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's seventh blade should be (minimum of 4)

saberLength8 saberLength - how long the 1st saber's eigth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length 32 - how long the 2nd saber's first blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length2 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's second blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length3 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's third blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length4 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's fourth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length5 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's fifth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length6 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's sixth blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length7 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's seventh blade should be (minimum of 4)

saber2Length8 saberLength - how long the 2nd saber's eigth blade should be (minimum of 4)


//saber radius

//NOTE: these should be inputted in order - setting "saberLength" automatically sets all of the others to the same length

saberRadius 3 - how wide the 1st saber's first blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius2 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's second blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius3 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's third blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius4 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's fourth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius5 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's fifth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius6 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's sixth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius7 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's seventh blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saberRadius8 saberRadius - how wide the 1st saber's eigth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius 3 - how wide the 2nd saber's first blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius2 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's second blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius3 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's third blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius4 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's fourth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius5 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's fifth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius6 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's sixth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius7 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's seventh blade should be (minimum of 0.25)

saber2Radius8 saber2Radius - how wide the 2nd saber's eigth blade should be (minimum of 0.25)


//saberColor - valid colors: random, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple

//NOTE: these should be inputted in order - setting "saberColor" automatically sets all of the others to the same color

saberColor red - what color the 1st saber's 1st blade should be

saberColor2 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 2nd blade should be

saberColor3 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 3rd blade should be

saberColor4 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 4th blade should be

saberColor5 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 5th blade should be

saberColor6 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 6th blade should be

saberColor7 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 7th blade should be

saberColor8 saberColor - what color the 1st saber's 8th blade should be

saber2Color red - what color the 2nd saber's 1st blade should be

saber2Color2 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 2nd blade should be

saber2Color3 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 3rd blade should be

saber2Color4 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 4th blade should be

saber2Color5 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 5th blade should be

saber2Color6 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 6th blade should be

saber2Color7 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 7th blade should be

saber2Color8 saberColor - what color the 2nd saber's 8th blade should be


//starting saber style

saberStyle 0 - which style to start with (0-7)


//force powers

forcePowerMax 100 - maximum force power

forceRegenRate 100 - milliseconds between force regens (interval) - min is 50

forceRegenAmount 1 - force regeneration rate (points per interval)


FP_HEAL 0 - force heal level (0-5)

FP_LEVITATION 0 - force jump level (0-5)

FP_SPEED 0 - force speed level (0-5)

FP_PUSH 0 - force push level (0-5)

FP_PULL 0 - force pull level (0-5)

FP_TELEPATHY 0 - mind trick level (0-5)

FP_GRIP 0 - force grip level (0-5)

FP_LIGHTNING 0 - force lightning level (0-5)

FP_SABERTHROW 0 - saber throw level (0-5)

FP_SABER_DEFENSE 0 - saber defense level (0-5)

FP_SABER_OFFENSE 0 - saber offense level (0-5)

//new Jedi Academy powers

FP_RAGE 0 - speed, invincibility and extra damage for short period, drains your health and leaves you weak and slow afterwards.

FP_PROTECT 0 - protect against physical/energy (level 1 stops blaster/energy bolts, level 2 stops projectiles, level 3 protects against explosions)

FP_ABSORB 0 - protect against dark force powers (grip, lightning, drain)

FP_DRAIN 0 - drain force power for health

FP_SEE 0 - detect/see hidden enemies



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Jedi Outcast's NPC modding/creating abilities were poor. You basically were stuck to either 1) a blaster-wielding ally 2) a blaster-wielding enemy 3) an ally Jedi 4) an enemy Jedi.


I don't think you can change the specific stuff in outcast such as weapons, Force powers, etc. Just appearance, general efficiency (health, aim, reactions), sounds, dismemberment, etc.

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