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Idea for Messeges Ep.3

Guest Redwing

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Guest Redwing

I see no problems.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

no wit my flagship will be a heavily modified ssd (the captured one) plus my heavily mdoified x-wing

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Guest rebel alliance

before we begin the battle in ep.3 I need to know whitch is more powerful: an Assault Frigate or an SSD? I need to know what my flagship will be (it has the most super lasers with strong sheilds). my x-wing will be heavliy modifeid. (seeing as I am not a stream of star wars info please tell me what modifications my personal x-wing and flagship will have)

p.s. make them good

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Guest Redwing

Try giving your personal X-Wing quantum armor (black market? wink.gif ) and give it resonance torpedoes. Those upgrades would be ridiculously expensive for the New Republic to have for their entire fleet, but just one fighter? I think that's plausible. biggrin.gif (In our version of SW anyway...)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Okay, who's going to be the bad guy? Who's going to control the machine, and how does it look? (I'll be the bad guy if no one else wants to play the role...)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

war doesn't have to start right away, maybe the allies (US) can find the weapon and have a fight over how we should use it...with the victor using it in some evil way that must be stopped. wink.gif

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Guest Redwing

I know Trael never will...but I CAN invent someone else biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

ok my ssd is like r9's flagship except with superlasers and my x-wing has quantum armour (black market) plasma sheilds, captured rsonance torpeedos, a modified hyper drive capable of going as fast as the falcon, upgraded sublight engines and the blasters are comverted to superlaser but are the same size and weight as the standard ones so as not to effect performance.it has full upgraded sensor package for scanning cloacked ships, has a very long range etc. it also has an upgraded core so it can produce more power to weapons, sheilds, engines and sensors and has a small high ouput ion cannon on th under carrage. there that ought to be able to blow some stuff up!!! (is this ok?)


[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited April 08, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

I assume your plasma shielding is the type used for resonance torps, not my Grenanian type?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

which kind is better? I just said that becasue you have it on your ships and yours are wicked.

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Guest Rogue9

R.P. III Specs

Quantum Armor, including drop down bridge sheild


one superlaser mounted in bow


2 wings = 12 squadrons = 144 fighters


same TurboLasers and ION Cannon battery complements as Standard SSD

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Guest rebel alliance

ok cool minw will have all that plus two side mounted super lasers.



[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited April 08, 2001).]

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Guest rebel alliance

I've decided that my super lasers are inpratical. vigilance III will just have a very andvaced cooling system. and some beefed up turbo lasers in place of the standard blaster. with the cooling system and the upgraded core they can produce a tremendous amount of power safely. rebulics pride IV will be the same as rogue nines.

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