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Q-Tracker for X-Wing Alliance?

Guest Darth Massacator

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Guest Darth Massacator

Yes, the subject lined could also be aptly titled, "Hello, I've been living under a rock for the past 2 years."

I recently downloaded Q-Tracker because it claims to also include support for XWA. So after I installed it and start searching for XWA servers, nothing happens. It says it's pinging over 60 servers, then the when it's done, the server screen is blank.

Anyone know what's up??

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Guest Kink

Nope, but that is exactly what happened when I tried it, so you are not alone! While I'm at it, does anyone have any trouble just getting a damn game on the Zone? People seem to want to just chat (with lots of badly written swear words), or take up games with 'recruitment'. It seems so rare that people just wanna play! (Whinge mode off)


[This message has been edited by Kink (edited May 04, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Massacator

Heh, the Zone. It'd probably work a lot better for me if I were a dsl, or cable user(a good provider), but being I use a modem, I rarely get any good games. It's not impossible to find a decent game, but it can be a long wait.

I am so bummed about Q-Tracker. I use GameSpy (similar program) for a lot of my fragging games and I was really hoping Q-T would work for XWA. ***ARRRRRRRGH***

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Guest Thrawn

WHat's Q-Tracker?

on the zone, u can usually find a few people who just want to play. look in the rooms between 1 and 30.



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Guest Darth Massacator

Thrawn, Q-Tracker is a program like GameSpy. It's a separate program that looks for any available multiplayer servers and lets you connect to the server.

GameSpy doesn't support and X-Wing series game (ratz), but Q-Tracker claims that it does.

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Darth Massacator:

Heh, the Zone. It'd probably work a lot better for me if I were a dsl, or cable user(a good provider), but being I use a modem, I rarely get any good games.


You got that right Darth, I tried the Zone for the first time late Sunday nite. Popped in with my 53k (stable rate) connection which was giving me a good ping rate compared to most I saw there, but the game was playing like it was frozen in carbonite even with Lowest Detail on. One guy even told me to take a hike * in less than civil terms * after I told him I was using a modem!


And the chat area, nothing but crap line after crap line of cussin!





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