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Annoying problem


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Hello again.


6 months ago when I bought Jedi Academy, I installed the game and played it 3 times through... but that doesn't interest anyone. :rolleyes: However, I uninstalled it few weeks later.


But now, I'm getting in the mood of playing it again. So when I run the installer... it runs fine until it comes to this error:


"Unhandled Exception"


Error number: 0x80070725


Description: RPC-kannan versio ei kelpaa ( I run finnish Windows, so.... ;) )


Setup will now terminate.


All the drivers of my hardware are up to date, and it worked 100% fine when I ran it before.


So, can anyone tell me what is the problem and how can I fix it? Even though I don't post much here, please don't ignore my thread. :)


Thanks for your help, already.

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