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Problem with alpha channel


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I added an alpha channel to a jedi robe. The problem is that the metallic shininess only appears on Bastila and not on the other characters.

If you watch the characters in the game window, the shiny area is replaced by the normal texture. But in the character sheet those areas are transparent.


So how can I avoid this?

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I'm guessing you either have svosh's Bastilla clothes or the holowan plug-in? If this is the case the robes are not set up to be shiny and with svosh's clothes the envmap field in the apperance.2da file Bastilla is set to CM_baremetal. So unlike the armors which are set to be shiny or bright the robes are not so there really is no way to add this unless you change that field for everyone that will wear them. This will mess with the textures of everything you put on the characters. Such as sep's or mono's hooded maskless robes making those parts appear as bare metal instead of see through. Sorry but that's the way it is.


Then again if you made a "txi" file with note book and could get the game to reconize it for that robe it might work, but I don't think it's possible at this time if ever.

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yeah Nodakrattler is definetly right on this one, in fact one of my Jedi robes had the same transparent problem with it, but I didn't want to create an appereance.2da file for it so I just tinkered with the alpha channels A LOT and eventually got it so that the transparency is only visible when you are by something bright so it just goes to show that, there are many solutions to various problems :D

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Well I actually tried a saber blade that used the baremetal like a normal blade and it rendered it as the 8-way block of the .tga file, and when I included the blending additive, it made it look like a normal saber blade, even when I included both... so you can't do it the "easy" way. But if you make it work, I'd be VERY VERY interested in knowing how you did, because I've got a couple of ideas that includes it being "shiny and reflective" :D

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