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How to increase fps


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I was wondering what options primarily affect the fps. My ping is fine, but like many, I often lag in bigger areas, with an overall average ping of only 15 or so. I wanted to know of ways to boost fps. Such as, the main options that contribute to low fps/lag.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Join the club. There is really nothing you can do about it. The game lags even on the very best spec PCs- I have tried.


I really was hoping that by joining a European Server (which are based in Holland) there wouldn't be much lag - but I am so wrong! Lately, it seems to be getting alot worse.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

You have to take into consideration your location and the location of the servers etc. So you have to expect some lag and drop in frame rate.


The frame rate drops because there is too much going on combined with the high pings sometimes = lag and fps drop. Bestine has started to lag alot lately even with a few people in the city.


It's a shame to play the game with all settings turned down but thats one of the only ways to keep the fps high enough to play the game because the game can look graphically good



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