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total noob needs alot of help


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right i wanna make my own models (like playable character things)for MP on swjkja but have absolutely no idea where 2 start i dont even kno wat programs i need to do this never mind how 2 use them!!! so i was wonderin if any of ya cud do me a list of all programs i need(i'm a ittle poor so these will need 2 be free programs) and also if ya cud a short desrciption as 2 y i need them!! i believe i shud be able 2 figure the rest out 4 myself!!

thanx 2 any1 that decides 2 elp me!!!

i already have a prgram called gmax which i thought was it but wen i try an import pk3 files it says it cant open em!!


plz elp....

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Originally posted by richard10101

lol, thats not fair.


you first insult him then tell him to go somewhere else :D bah... lol


I didn't mean to insult him, but, I don't want to have to figure out what someone is trying to say because they're using "AOL-speak."

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