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14-day Trial installation problem...


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I've just downloaded the trial from fileplanet and everything seemed to be fine and i got the key and everything but when I'm about to instal it doesnt let me choose the installation directory but wants to instal to my C drive. Unfortunately I don't have enough space on that drive so what can I do?


How do I get to specify Installation directory?

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Unfortenatly i dont know the answer to your problem, but one thing might be is that what you think is the whole game is just the LaunchPad, because i think it always installs the launchpad on C: whereas the actually game (for me) is on D:


Just a thought, sorry for not being much use. Anyone else have any ideas?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

You have to free up the space. there is no other choice. Maybe have a disk clean up and see what software you can remove



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I have the same problem. I want to install the trial on D but, then it says I need an aditional 2 GB free on my C Harddisk. I believe that space is required for the temporary files.


According to the faq at the official site you need 30 MB free on C harddisk for the full installation. It is supposed to be a installshield issue and there nothing they can do about it.


My C harddisk is 3 GB big and I have 700 MB free on it. How the heck am I supposed to free up another 2 GB, without removing windows?


I guess I'm gonna need to install windows on a bigger harddisk just to play this game:/

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It sounds silly i know seeing as you want the trial and not the full game. But... Just so you know, in the full game you can install it on any drive you want. And i know for a fact you can find it quite cheap on eBay and the like. So, maybe you could try and get one from there. But, its just a thought, and probably a silly one. Seeing as you want to try it for free.


I think this issue is quite stupid and they should just fix it immediatly. There is no reason why you shouldnt have it on a disk other than C, i download demos that i install on my other drives and ive never even heard of this problem before.


It dissapoints me that SOE are trying to get people to play SWG with this kind of introduction...

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The download demo needs free space to uncompress before installing and if your temp directory is on your c drive you will have a problem.

I've installed my copy on my e: drive with no problems but i have set up another drive letter for my temp and internet temp files,


So you might want to try and set you windows temp files to save to another drive with enough free space on, If you are using XP all you need to do is...(only do this if you are happy editing windows setting and write down the settings BEFORE you change them, so you can put them back if you want to.)


make a directory called temp on the drive with enough space


right click on my computer then click on properties and then advanced. Now select environment variables, the top box will show your temp directories (.tmp and .temp). Now edit them to point to your new directory i.e. d:\temp (make sure they both point to the same directory).


now scroll down then system variables(just below the top box) and do the same with tmp and temp.


now click on ok and again on ok.


You have now moved you temp file directory so retry the install.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ive spoken to Haden Blackman (SWG Producer) about this just now. There was a problem with the download defaulting to C drive. However, if you read the READ ME file, it explains how to change the directory



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