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Phoenix Elite Turns A New Page.


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Hi im Shree and i am representin the {PE} clan & we need some members.

We dont like lamers, so if your a lamer then dont try joining, cos we dont want u. We used to be a lamer hunting clan, but no longer are, hence the title of this thread.


Ye I know wot your thinking, heres another clan that just wants to increase their numbers, who wont actually teach me anythin new or provide a new gaming experience. Well thats where ur wrong my freind, we offer free training to any new people to the game who want to join, & a nice position above newer players for those who know what they are doing.You cant lose! hehehe


i look forward to seeing a few of you guys join cos we need a few more members at the moment. We are currently a british-only clan, but once we have enough members (20) we shall turn international, we currently have 14 and so need the extra few.


http://phoenixelite.proboards27.com - our forum

http://www.phoenixelite.co.uk - our site (will b finshed and up by June 1st)

shreebob@hotmail.com - my email address (recruitment officer of the PE)

phoenix.brown@ntlworld.com - phoenix (clan leader)'s email address


Thank you, yours Shree

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