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PvP question (hardcore PvPers help)


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I'm trying to come with a good PvP setup. I know the fencer/doc template works good, but I don't have a good stun baton to use. I was think this: I have a long vibro axe with a max damage 803 and speed of 2.3. I was wondering if master pikeman/master doc with this axe and one that i could use to poison mind with would be a good setup for PvP. Of course I'd be using chef buff's and doc buffs, so if anyone can help me out please do so.


Eikoun Aessigi (Bria)

Master Pistoleer/Master Combat Medic

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Combat is different all round. PvP is still really a waste of time in Galaxies because it is so flawed.


Some professions are still having problems with bugs and things not working. Look out for yet ANOTHER revamp I guess.


Pardon the pun...but its all a 'hit and miss' affair



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Combat is different all round. PvP is still really a waste of time in Galaxies because it is so flawed.


Some professions are still having problems with bugs and things not working. Look out for yet ANOTHER revamp I guess.


Pardon the pun...but its all a 'hit and miss' affair




Just a question. Do you ever have anything positive to say about this game? You obviously like it on some level because you are around these forums(or is that just because you're a mod and you have to be). I'm just curious.

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Yeah thing that sucks about PvP is that you have to challenge someone which is kinda stupid or you have to devote yourself to a faction. There are 2 others systems that I like. AC and AC2 have systems that you can become pvp by quest and then you can fight any others who are pvp. It created a network of people who were "famous" Pvp'ers in the game and were respected. If you didn't like someone you went Pvp. AC2 there are pvp Zones. Where you can go to pvp as much as you like (very different from a battlefield). There once again creates a pvp community where the best pvp'ers earn the respect of others. Now a very interesting system is that of lineage II's its PvP all the time, everyone. BUT if you kill someone unjustly then you recieve a TEF until you die or until you kill monsters your lvl or so. Thats interesting b/c its like a real life situation. Theres also a catch to it. If you have that TEF the guards in the towns will attack you and chase you out of town. While you have that TEF ANYONE can kill you and they won't recieve a TEF. I think we need a change with our PVP not saying we should take another games but we need to get rid of the whole challenge to a dual thing. Only drawbacks to the others is a wonderful thing called Ganking.

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Well, you have to be careful with open PvP, because then, you'll have players "victimizing" those with less experience who are not able to defend themselves. The bullying will start and it can detract from the enjoyment of the game. If you want to do that, have it so that if a person is killed in a PvP, he can reclone with no damage, wounds, decay to items, etc. Have it so this still only happens in confrontations with non-players.


I think the challenge sytem is a good thing. From where my inexperinced MMORPG eyes(this is my first one)observe, anyway. I mean do you want to be out on a hunt or a quest and then get "ambushed" by somebody for no reason? They will definitely change PvP in the future, probably with the combat revamp. right ow, the only real PvP "open seaon" you have is between overt factions.


One thing I would like to see, as I am going for bounty hunter, is PvP bounties.

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