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My Original Idea!!


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I personally think that you are doing a great work with your video tutorials. They may be very useful for all the noobs around. You should check the 3d-buzz site because they have some tutorials about the radiant and “Quake 3” mapping. There’s no sense to re-create the wheel.


There’re few advanced mappers here and the sarcasm was not about the tutorials but about your “original idea”, that frankly speaking was stu…. ehh, let’s say it was funny. You can create something that is sensible and more/less realistic.


Example: imagine that there’s a wall and if it breaks the door opens and the stormtroopers (alarmed by the broken wall) will enter the area through this door. This will give the player some fun because there’s something to break and some combat fun because there’s someone to kill.


I just hate to run thought the levels filled by the great number of incomprehensible and unreal puzzles. I don’t like to run and shot all the glasses around to pass to the next section, I prefer to destroy the door or to open it by using a switch.


Nevertheless, keep up your good work.

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hey bud yeah i know about 3d buzz but there tuts are for quake so im just kinda going to do everything i can for jedi. and about my idea i never said anyone had to like it i just thaught id share the idea. I havent even used my idea in my level yet.

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yes i know that but 1 thing about my vids compared to 3dbuzz is you dont have to earn a star i just give them out for free. and soon i hope i will be able to get a pro mapper to do like a live video type chat over the comp while we do a mapping tut i havent quite figured out how i will do it but if you have any ideas email me with em.

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