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New Species problem


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Umm I don't know what SOE trying to pull with this but this is how I see it. Why would someone, who has like 20 badges and high rankings in rebel/empire delete their character just to try a new species. There goes your chars reputation, business, and house ect. Is SOE and lucas expecting people to go buy another account just so they can do this? I mean there are your alternate servers but why start over when you have it great one one of them. I just don't see whats going on. Another added character slot would be great but like thats going to happen. How many of you are honestly going to switch to this new race when its released? Is there any word on what the races are yet so we can atleast contemplate on whether or not we want to switch?

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I don't think they are expecting anyone to buy another account. You can start a new character on another server, using one of the new races. Why would a seasoned player start a new low-level character from scratch?


Well, to try a different race with new attributes. Perhaps to take up a new profession unmixed with the other professions of their other character. I know people who have several characters on several servers. Some high level, some mid-level, some just starting out.

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This just comes to show that people will complain about ANYTHING.


Not everyone who will be playing SWG for years to come has the game. The expansion will likely draw in at least a couple thousand new players who will see the new races(whatever they may be) and think they'll be fun to play. After all what drew us into SWG instead of playing EQ? The chance to use new species like Wookies. C'mon man think about it from a non-SWG player's perspective. Makes sense to me :duros::dug:

I'm even tempted to try out the new races. Plus they're also adding new NPC races so we'll have a bit more variety than having every other alien being a sullustan/aqualish.

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