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Where can I download it? nah, just kidding.


Anyone annoyed by the order of options under the set menu, and the animation menu? Its annoying searching through that endless list of saber animations and other stuff. It cant even be arranged alphabetically (id prefer that) because they all start with set_--- or both_---


Is there any way to organise this list to one's preference?


Another question, are ALL the JK2 animations in JKA?! Ive been looking for specific ones tonight, but I havnt been able to find them. I noticed some have been renamed from JK2, but im trying to find those talking gestures, you know, like when someone motions with there hands, towards themself, and just around to make a specific point, things like that... are they still there?

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Tell you what Luke, if you can make a MOD with all the JK2 animations, you might just be the most popular person around.


I would just love that. Bring back all the NORMAL player animations from JK2 back into JA M/P. I would certainly play it a lot more than.....once every 2 months.

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Well.. they left in ALL of Desann's cutscene animations, and even Tavion faking Jan's death animation, the Kyle and Jan huging/kissing animations... and tons more... but they leave out the 2-3 animations I need now :(


A mod like that would be cool....!



Hmmm... I might be contacting a few animators who know about this stuff and see if this is possible. It would be like JA 1.04. Might even be as easy as copying the Jk2 .GLA into a mod in the JA's gamedata directory. :-) Ill try something like that tomorrow.

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Have you checked the level specific animations for those few you are missing or equivalent? There's a long list of those. Many of them are totally useless, but some contain pretty nice animations. And like you said, you could always have a custom glas made just for you.


To check the other animations in ModView, just go to menus and allow the overwrite gla option. Then, when you open a new model, the program asks whether you want to overwrite the gla, just click yes and give the name of the new ones.


For your convenience, they are listed here (just copy paste from this list to the requester):











Remember that in game, you can only use one extra animations file per level, or so I believe. I could be wrong, though, but I cannot see a way to use more. The _humanoid_academy# ones are nice, for example.

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Youre right, I forgot about that Lassev,


Ok, so to use a new GLA you put your map and script in a folder with the GLA name? For example, if I am using models/players/_humanoid_academy1/_humanoid_academy1, I would put my map in maps/academy1 and my script in scripts/academy1?


Or would I just change the name to academy1?


Actually, maybe the map itself doesnt matter... but JUST the script folder... then you COULD HAVE more than one GLA in a cutscene... or level, all you have to do is in the middle of the scene, tell the script to run a new script_runner (place a target_script_runner in game with a targetname)


Lets say the first script uses models/players/_humanoid_academy1/_humanoid_academy1


then you could have the script_runner Usescript scripts/hoth2/whatever.IBI and load it in the middle of the other cutscene, to access the hoth2 GLA!

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Umm.... Yeah. I'm not sure I followed your line of thinking. The only way, as far as I can see, is to copy an existing GLA folder, along with the files inside, and rename it after your bsp name. Then rename also the actual gla inside the renamed folder. Thus, you will get the one extra gla file. Now you also see why it's just one: you cannot have two folders of the same name nor two gla files of the same name in one folder.


All the anims in the extra glas are named cin##, and you'll find them in the end of the listings in BehavEd. However, you should bear in mind that BehavEd or ICARUS in general have nothing at all to do with animations, other than call them by name. It's all based on models and corresponding glas (because they assume a certain number of bones). The game has a hard-coded function to look for this one folder and gla with the same name as the map. Then it will also snoop that for the cin## anims, when anims are called in ICARUS.


This was a masterful idea and served Raven well, no doubt, and made it easier to study the main gla, but unfortunately it cannot serve custom mappers so well. It would be awesome if there was a program that you could use to collect your own gla using all the Raven glas as source material, picking one anim here, the other there, until you had all the anims you needed, nothing more, nothing less...

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Meh, that ruined my idea... even though it didnt work. Basically, I was thinking that maybe the script folder (scripts/GLA_NAME/script.IBI) determined the GLA that was used, and maybe if I used a few different folders with different scripts, it might run different GLAs. Of course, now based on what you said I see that its all about the BSP name.


So, if I wanted to run the animations in humaniod_academy1 the BSP would have to be called academy1. Because Academy1 is already a map, I would have to rename the GLA and folder. I get it. Ill try it out.





Got it working... too bad you cant use 2 different GLA files. Hmm, ive heard animators talk about merging custom animations with the default humaniod GLA (of course, you would have to redestribute the additional GLA) so, maybe you could export and import animations from, and into a nicer better animation GLA. You know, one that only has animations that would be useful.


Maybe The Dragon could do it, whenever Wudan finishes it.

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