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Flamethrower Revamp??


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I heard somthing about a total flamethrower revamp because some commandos were complaining that the flamethrower misses too much...as a commando i agree. But the new system i heard about is that either the flamethrower never misses, as long as ur in range and rather than working like a regular gun, it works like a Flamethrower....an area weapon.


There was a lot more stuff about the flamethrower weapon thing...somthing about a whole new weapon should be introduced was in there somewhere...an assult rife or somthing.

Has anyone else heard of this??


Thanx for the help!


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Haven't payed much attention to the flamethrower, though I did have a commando with me in the squill cave on Tatooine using it.


A flamethrower is hardly a precision weapon, but if it misses too much then I imagine players will complain. An area type weapon is more realistic, I think. So, if the revamp does this, it will be more plausible.

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