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At first I had this problem on my older computer, now that I got a newer computer that is up to date, the problem persists. When I go into a JK2 Outcast Multiplayer game, I successfully enter a server, although a few minutes later the screen turns black and the computer restarts (game crashes?) When I get back into Windows XP Home Desktop view, a error report is made to be sent to Microsoft. They said it was to do with the Graphics device, I have a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 - AGP 8x graphics card with 128 MB DDR video memory and DVI support. I persued solutions and even phoned LucasArts Technical phone line, and they advised me to completly delete the game and reinstall, this did not solve the problem, this computer also has its own IP Address. It is run by Cable/HighSpeed. The CD is not scratched or anything damaged on it, and the OS analysis passes to play the game. I reconfigured the display settings although the problem persists. I also have the latest update for JK2: v1.04. Please help me on how to find a solution and stop this problem, I wish to enjoy the Multiplayer for JK2 at unlimited time enstead of only say 2-3 minutes then it crashes/restarts the computer. On my older computer it showed a glimpse of a blue screen with a lot of data listed just before it restarted. I also made the game windowed; not full screen that didnt work either. I explored many ways to solve it although it still does this. What do I do?:confused:

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I manually made it so that the computer wouldnt reset the computer durring a "system-failier" to see if it would show the blue screen error report. And guess what? It worked!!! And here is what the DOS error report said:


A problem has been detected and Windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:


Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters.


Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart and then select safe mode.


Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0x0000005, 0xF65D462, 0xF8932624, 0xF8932924)


*** ALCXSENS.SYS ---- Address F6F5D462 loose at F6F4A000, Datestamp 3FD85791


Beginning dump of physical memory

Physical memory dump complete.

Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.

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I went into the system BIOS control panal/setting place in DOS and I checked the hardware monitor screen and the temperature of the computer was 58¢ªc I believe it is +. And the fans were still at work. I think this could also be the problem/cause of all of this.


-This is all the evidense I got left now-


I also did what the system failur/error screen said, I switched video adapters from PCI to AGP. I am not sure if that does the trick so yeah....

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