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Account Help


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There is prolly a forum for this but couldnt see it so here goes, wondering if anyone has any idesas to help me out.


I used to Subscribe to SWG when I bought the game and 1 "60 Day Game Card", but after this period of time had passed I decided to move on.


Recently I downloaded the 14 Day Trial and played that day and night and had advanced far enough to Master Swordsman and had made a start on another profession.


The problem is that I cannot register my second account (14 day trial) with my already owned CD Key as it is registered with the first account I no longer wish to use as the toon has probably been deleted and I no longer wish to play as that charcter.


I have contacted live support and they say that key transfers are unallowed and that charcter transfers wont be available for another month.


Can anyone whos been there or has any ideas please off your words of wisdom, tkhanxbi

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If you want to continue using the second account (14 day trial) you will have to purchase another copy of Galaxies.


You currently can't transfer the 14 day trial account to your current CD key account. Depending where in the world you are, if you live in the UK, Galaxies is just £19.99 if you can find it with 1 months free subscription.



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