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Easy path to BH


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Ok first you have to...........................................





















































Ok ok I'm just kidding, I was just busting on Juha Avery b.c he is new just today and has made 38 posts about becoming a BH with 15 hours a day for 3 weeks on every post even if it has nothing to do with it., I'm only kidding with you Juha. The marksman part is fairly easy its the combat xp you need. There are 2 ways to get it pretty easy. once you get master marksman go to the Squill cave on Tat. (its a point of intrest so you can find it) and max out there. Or you can use lots and lots of grenades. They add to the combat xp you get when your fighting.

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Alright well listen Teras Kasi is a pain. Once you have novice filled in its easy. But the unarmed part from the brawler tree is grueling. Suggestions: Buffs, 70%+ Ubese Armor. Start out the first 3 blocks Just hunting around C-net. It will take a little while but your not going to be able to be strong enough to take on anything else. Once your at Unarmed 4 find some Dire cat missions (if you go to Cori Celesti on the Starsider server you can get them there oh also feel free to build your house there!) When you get to filling up the novice (125k of hell) Head to Dant and find some quenkers. Don't group. You'll end up getting Relic Reapers and Savage quenkers. Fill in that and from novice on its easy. fill in the speed and damage tree first

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