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*SPOILER* What do u think Desann was doing at the End of the Game???

Lecter 66

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This is in correlation with the other Thread on Desann, this time about the mysterious location at the End of the Game (if u havent completed it u might as well turn away)


When I first played Jedi Outcast and defeated Desann Iwas not curious to WHY he went into the bowels of the Academy. The second time I played the whole game, I was unsure and the third time I was absolutely dumb-founded to why he went into the bowels of the Academy???


In the final chamber there is a healing machine that you and Desann can use. But why does he go there, its a dead end, what can he achieve???


I have only two theories:


1. He was leading Kyle Katarn into a trap so he could kill Katarn once and for all or persuade Kyle to join him.


2. He was looking for surviving Jedi or Luke Skywalker in order to finish the Jedi Order forever.


What are your theories to why Desann went into the bowels of the Academy, please post them below.

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  • 1 year later...

you're all wrong if you haven't notice there are two plates in that arena which you need to push in or pull out (i can't remember) using the force when you have done that a foce beam apears in the middle of the arena don't be scared to jump through it as it makes you invincible for a short time plus in the cutscene desaan already has it running and is trying to draw lots of power from it and if anyones read the book 'I Jedi' then it talks about that power beam and it explains that it was first put there by the legendary sith lord exar kun! so it makes sense that desaan would try to seek out the pwer of the 4000 year old sith lord

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