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A request for CLOUD

Guest OtanaMan

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Guest OtanaMan

Hey, do you still have that film where you flew through the Escort Carrier?


"By the way, i watch the film and I did went inside that Escort Carrier!"


I would like to see it.


Send it to mutant_knee@hotmail.com


Thank you.


P.S. If you can't or don't have it anymore, I understand.

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Guest OtanaMan

Lando style? What'd you do? Bust off the dish? (We all know we can't do that; I've tried many times). Yeah, I'd like to see it...whatever you did.


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Guest OtanaMan

You know, I've tried to fly through the hanger like you did, but I never did do it. I always blow up my ship.


Also, the Lando way. Very impressive. The only way I went through it was turning on "Invulnerable". In about 3 minutes or so, my cockpit pulsates with red (we all know what THAT means). I tried to go through it once without turning on invinciblity. Never did make it. The Falcon just gets trashed.

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Guest Cloud

Yeah I believe that was a glitch with the game for the hanger. As for the Dstar, my favorite part is when I blow up and turn around to leave the reactor room (you can see the fire behind me).

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