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Wookie Armor


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I know theres 2 new sets out but umm.... WHERE ARE THEY! I searched all over tonight for about 2 hours asking every wookie I ran into and search every vendor that said they sold the armor but nothing came up. I was informed that the hunting armor is comparible to Composite and in some cases better. I'm on the Starsider server so if anyone can help me out leave a waypoint to a vendor or a name of an Armorsmith. Thanks a lot!!!

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Go to the official forums' Starsider Galaxy Trade and post that you are looking:


Starsider Galaxy Trade


From what most fellow Wookies tell me, you have to have it specially made, be prepared to spend about 400K(depending on server, it could be less). The armor is very good though. I'm still using the 1st generation armor, myself. It's gotten cheaper since the new design has come out.


Now, if they would only make the bowcaster upgradeable. :-)

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