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Halo 2 Conspiracy

Druid Bremen

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After some private research, I come to the conclusion that Dana is NOT related to bungie in any way. The site is apparently hijacked by a Halo fan, a relative to Bungie or by Bungie themselves.


The site says, 6 days on the home page today, in other words, August 10th. Also note the date 24th August, as the countdown on the homepage probably points there.

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Er guys, after some research on my part, i discovered that the link to Ilovebees.com is in the official Halo 2 trailer. So it wasn't a crazed fan, and it wasn't illegal. Come on, if bungie hacked a real site, they wouldn't show it to the entire world, and what do they need hackers for anyway. So either bungie created this site and made it seem hacked to fool us, or paid the owner...


Sorry for reviving a bit old thread, but this jsut had to be said.


That is, if someone didn't say it before me.

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