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Please, OH please help me


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I hope this is the right forum.

I have a big problem.:(:confused:

i have problem whit the mod's.

When i pack the item, or armor, or weapon, mod files in the override folder, and i want too try it out, i creat a new game and if start in the Endar Sire and the cut scene is over the whole game is stopt, nothing moves, no sound, even the mouse is stopt.

I patched the game to 1.03 but it still stop :(:mad:


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Originally posted by GammerAdam

I hope this is the right forum.

I have a big problem.:(:confused:

i have problem whit the mod's.

When i pack the item, or armor, or weapon, mod files in the override folder, and i want too try it out, i creat a new game and if start in the Endar Sire and the cut scene is over the whole game is stopt, nothing moves, no sound, even the mouse is stopt.

I patched the game to 1.03 but it still stop :(:mad:



The workbench was the correct forum for this question. I've responded there.

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