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SWG fun Factor ( plz read )


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Hello all, i have been doing alot of research on the game the past few days and think i would like to try it out. however i do have some concerns i would like some opinions on before i make my purchase ( as i only have enough money for 1 game until EQ2 is out and i cannot aford to buy another city of heroes type game, shallow and boring after a week ) i need a game i can play HARDCORE for 5+ months without it geting boring. i do NOT like repedative cookie-cutter missions ( like in city of heroes. the same 3 missions over n over lame ) - im an avid pvp'er and i couldnt find any information on the offical site about the REWARDS of pvp? what is the point? i would prolly play a bounter hunter or gunner of some sort.. also, are there any big mobs in the game for guilds to kill? ( sort of like raid mobs in eq ) unique pieces of loot off rare mobs? are ships in the game yet ? ( even tho u cant fly into space..? ) are there jetpacks? will i enjoy playing the game coming in as a newbie this late in the game? thanks in advance all opinions are appriated!

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I've been playing since November 2003. First off if anyone tells you there are no bugs, they're lying. As with all MMORPGs there are little, sometimes pesky bugs. For the most part though, they're not that bad. I still play and I love it. You were talking about missions getting old. Missions themselves are pretty much repetitious, the quests however, are not so much repetitous, and some of them are fun to do with groups, sometimes groups are needed to be able to beat the quest or a portion of one. There are no official PVPing rewards that I know of. Many guilds are big with it, especially the faction-aligned guilds (rebs and imps). Sometimes though, in my guild we have PVP tourneys (open to everyone) where there are like lets say 20 people who each maybe pitch in 10k and the winner walks away with all of it. There are things like that for PVP. There are also guild wars, you can figure out what those are. If you like fighting, you can go into places such as the squill cave, fort tusken, geobunker, and take on a fair amount of NPCs.


I would reccommend it definitely, its much more in depth compared to most MMORPGs where you can really only go in combat professions and you're stuck in that prof unless you start anew. In SWG you can go combat/non-combat, and if you want to change and start anew without losing credits and items. You just forfeit the skills, regain 100% of your skill points and start over with your new profession. It's really dynamic in that aspect. Some say the game stinks or variates from the storyline. It does to some extent, but i don't think it ruins the game at all

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As mentioned above, the versaltility by which you can build your character is great. There are some issues with the game, as there are with any MMORPG, though it seems some are prone to blowing the issues totaly out of proportion. :)


I would give it a try, especially if you are a Star Wars fan.

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