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Sun enities (bad idea)

Skyshader (install Radiant 1.4)


So here is sky shader example:

qer_editorimage	textures/skies/sky
surfaceparm	sky
surfaceparm	noimpact
surfaceparm	nomarks
q3map_sunExt 0.950000 0.950426 0.822859 700 -190 130 1 8
q3map_skylight	400	2
// last compile: 	q3map_skylight	400	5
skyParms	textures/skies/losttemple 512 -
sort	sky


q3map_sunExt is the main thing here. First 3 values is sun color in RGB, scale from 0 to 1. Then you have intensity, degrees (where the sun is) and elevation (sunset? noon?) and 2 values, don't change them


q3map_skylight is 400 2 (fairy strong and... uhm... 2). At your final compile, change 2 to 5, to have better effect, more realistic. Compile time will be longer, but effect is worth that.

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