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UK stock starting to appear


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Been checking the online stores and have noticed that Gameplay.co.uk have started to list galaxies in stock and have removed the key issue warning from the page.


But the bad news is they are charging £27 for it. £10 more then play.com, which is still waiting on stock

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Yeah, no where with sensible prices.


I stand by my insistance that this game should be the same price as it is in the US.


It's $29.99 on LucasArt's US site. That's the official price (before discounts in stores!).


That's £16 !!!


Okay, accounting for VAT...


£19 !!!



NOT £26, £29, £39.99!!! :mad:


How on earth do people get away with ripping us off in this country? :(



Even at the lower exchange rate of a few years ago the very highest it could possibly be is £25 inc VAT, so a RRP of £39.99 is a pure and simple rip-off. There are no overhead costs that justify that much of a markup!

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Well what I said in my last post can be chucked in the bin

although stocks arnt in yet, everyones bloody well upped the prices, play is now £25 while game us at £30.

May as well order from importmadness the way all this is going, sickning.


No choice but to paymore then £20 now

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Yeah, just noticed this myself. It STINKS.


This country is just a total rip off. There's no reason for this level of mark up when it's $29.99 RRP from LucasArts themselves in the US!


I'm tempted to import it and then complain to someone (who though?) about this practice of ripping off the British public, but it's not really worth the hassle.


Importing it is only going to be any good if I can find a US retailer who will actually ship it to the UK (seems most will not for some reason), and if with shipping it works out at less than £18 (i.e. avoiding customs).


But I think it's more likely I'll just abandon SWG and go with some other MMORPG game (especially as the comments/reviews on SWG are getting worse all the time).

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