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What Professions?


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I'm currently a 2/2/4/2 TK and a Novice Commando and Master Medic. I don't want to be a Doctor or Combat Medic, but I was wondering if I should continue to persue Commando, I don't have any kills in it, but should I become a Master TK and Master Commando or go the normal route, Master TK, Fencer and Swordsman? Also, if you are a Commando can you post the pros and negs of the profession, thanks.


-influx on Flurry

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It all depends on what you want to do. I'm a PvE(Player vs. Environment)player. I look at how efffective a template is if I'm out in the wilderness. Commando is powerful in PvE, just slow. TK is great in both PvP and PvE if for nothing else, it's speed and high damage output. The only liability you have with TK is you ONLY deal kinetic damage. This puts you at a disadvantage with some adversaries, but overall, TK is one of the most fun professions out there.


Again, it all depends on what kind of player you plan to be. PvP or PvE.:D

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