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Opposing Jedi...


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I was under the impression that if the Jedi confronted eachother an epic duel would surely ensue.


Started up a MP game, tossed heroes in, and got the enemy Jedi to follow me to where the other one was standing.


Stood next to my ally hero and let the enemy slash me down, to which they both proceeded to stand next to eachother for about 10 seconds, then they ran off elsewhere to go about their business.


I read from someone else that the Jedi do in fact fight eachother, but from my test, they did nothing of the sort, thet didn't even look at eachother...


Now I'm hoping it was some kind of bug, but if the Jedi in this game do not fight, that is some really lame nonsense...


So can anyone confirm this for me? Do they, or do they not, fight eachother?

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I guess I can see why they might leave it out, but seriously, who makes a Star Wars game with Jedi heroes and doesn't have them fight?


It should be an acceptable tactic to try and kill the enemy Jedi, getting your Jedi to help.


It isn't even a huge deal when they die, as they respawn anyways.


Poor decision in my eyes.


It even looks really bad when Luke and Vader brush past eachother and do nothing. :p

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