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Iron Brigade


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We are a casual group of some two-hundred or more gamers from around the globe, meeting on a regular basis to game, have fun, and share friendship. Currently, we have teams in America's Army, Call of Duty, Planetside, Raven Shield, EVE, City of Heroes, and Star Wars Galaxies. In the past, we have fielded teams in Starsiege, Mechwarrior 3/4/BK/Mercs, Ghost Recon, Jedi Knights 2, Tribes, and Tribes 2. Aside from our formal teams, we have members playing such games as Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Söldner, and Joint Operations on a regular basis.


Our membership criteria is pretty basic (we are an 18+ age guild that uses Teamspeak.) Head over to our website http://www.iron-hq.com for more info.

Our SWG team plays on Sunrunner. Our player city is New Tibira on Dantooine.

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