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a few questions(swg,pre paid gamecards...)


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Hiya there.Well,i am just really starting to get sick and tired of the usual fps and rpg games and their poor replayabilty these days.

I was quite impressed with the recent trial version of swg, so i've decided to try out a real mmorpg for a change.I've played a few open betas etc before, but i never actually tried one that you have to pay a fee for though.Anyway,i am thinking about purchasing a copy of swg this week and i'd like to know how the billing process actually works.I know that you have to use a credit card for the first months use.I am actually planning on using pre paid game cards instead of a monthly subscribtion though.Ok,here we go.

Will i be given an option to extend my subscribtion by the end of the month or will they keep charging me until i do it myself?

How do the pre paid game cards exactly work?

Can i extend my subscribtion with a game card or do i have to cancel the free 1 month first and then use the card?

What if i decide to take a break from the game for a month or so(cancel subscribtion).Will they store my characters data and how long will it exactly last till they erase it?


That's about it, i guess.

I'd really appreciate it if you could answer some of these questions.

Thx in advance guys.

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Yes, they will ask you if you want to continue playing SWG, if you want to then they will then bill you or you will use your gamecard.

I don't really know why you would want to cancel your 1 month free... Maybe its just me reading it wrong, but after the first month you can then use the gamecards.

If you decide to take a break you have 6 months from the month you stopped to get on your account again otherwise they purge it.


I am also new to SWG, and I will be starting within in the next few days. Since your new and we have made a new guild you should check out our site and join. We are newb friendly and need some recruits to get this up and going.



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well basicly were all Canadian so far. Thats not our decision just the way it happened. We are all newbs accept for one guy he is a Vet, we are just lookin for other newbs that wanna hook up with us and do quests and what not with us. The guild will also be a support for our members, meaning you can go Solo if you want but as long as your in the guild you can still get help, credits, and anything else you may need. We are currently in the works of making a Jump to Lightspeed Squadron and we soon hope to make a player City, you should check out the link, and seriously take into consideration joining.





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WOW!Believe it or not but i just purchased the collectors edition for only 29.99 at Best Buy.I am truly speechless!Somebody must've screwed up the labels i guess. This was the only copy left of this version in store.Yay,what luck eh. :)

Anyway,which server do you guys play on?

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Is it a well populated server?

I am currently playing on the "Eclipse" server but i can't find a damn soul on it.I've seen a few players run around here and there, but i can't seem to find anybody in the cantinas nor bigger cities though.Been playing for a day and a half and i am already bored.I want some roleplay damn it!

Please let me know if the server's any good.

I'd really love to join your guild if it is.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Eclipse used to be the busiest server of all. Its where I first started when the game launched. However, most that go on there are from the USA, so depending on your time zone, depends on how many people are around.


Another thing to consider is that Eclipse used to be very unstable and was always one of the last to 'go live' after server shut downs. This could have changed now but might have contributed to the lack of players!



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Tempest Server is decently populated. The major cities always got people in them, You most often see people around when your out hunting. Thats besides all the non-guild activity. No matter what guild your in its going to be more fun, this is true for the simple fact that there is almost always someone on to hunt or quest with, always somewhere to go, or just someone to talk to. So I recommend... even if it ain't my guild, that you join one beacause it will enhance your fun you have online. This is a MMORPG, treat it like one. :)

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