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Very disappponting!

Guest Ms. Talon

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Do not diss the mighty Prophecy...or Tolwyns wrath will you face!


And by the way...do you honestly think that any games company or publisher (Lucasarts, EA, Sierra etc.) gives a rats brown star about the fans...there in it for the money boys and girls.



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Guest Ms. Talon

I KNOW they are in it for the money!!! I'm just disappointed that Starfighter will not be for the PC!


AND...I can diss a game that I didn't enjoy...it's a free country afterall. WC's interface was HORRID!!! The situational awareness was an exercise in futility as far as I was concerned! It's just MY opinion, you don't need to agree! But I don't like "twitch"-games where the only thing that the only way to win is how fast you can shoot at the dozens of targets, like an arcade...which WC was like. There was no way to tell who was shooting at you or who was going after the things you were protecting, it was just endless re-play hoping that in one of the tries you'd finally 'luck in' you'd on the right targets! There was no tme to think or adjust strategy...just 'twitch' and hope for the best! That's not how I like my games!







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited May 13, 2000).]

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Starfighter probably isn't planned for the PC, as the rendering capability of a top of the line bleeding edge multi-thousand dollar system is still approximately 1/3rd of that of a Japanese released PS2(They supposedly are revving up specs and making the thing more powerful for the US release....cripes) so if/when they decide to port it'll be probably around 18 months from now(that is if Moore's Law has any say in things..) Yeah consoles might be "obsolete" in 5 years, but PCs get seriously out of date in less than half of that....and they cost a whole lot more...something to consider....


And yes PUBLISHERS(LEC, Sierra, EA etc) don't give a damn about things other than profit margins. Developers on the other hand seem to care(Volition, Taldren, Valve, Epic and such are examples) but then again they get silenced rather quickly by corporate big shots who decide whether the developer gets enough money to make a new game or not...not to mention have it published...


gary XvT is actually quite nice, IF you play online. (Big if there) Still probably one of the only games in it's genre that's totally playable with missions and the like online...

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

It's a pity...

Lucas Arts's stopped releasing any games related to trilogy IV-VI - no X-Wing's in space combats frown.gif

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Guest Scoundrel67

Originally posted by garyah99:

Petulantly stomping your feet??


Yes, that is an undeniable part of what passes for discourse around here. I posted a letter that I mailed to Lawrence Holland a while ago. How many others out there have bothered to snail mail an actual letter to either Totally Games or Lucas Arts containing grievances and suggestions? Has anyone posted a petition on their personal web site asking that these grievances and suggestions be addressed? If such a petition containing 1000+ electronic signatures and/or e-mail addresses were to go to Lucas Arts we might actually get a response. It would seem that Lucas Arts is only interested in numbers, not individuals. So, unless and until this is done, petulant foot stomping is, indeed, a fairly accurate statement.


If you check their track record for the last few years: XvsT; a horrible excuse for a game.


I own XvT and BoP. My ratings(0-100): XvT 80, BoP 84.


Rebellion; was a half baked attempt at a RTS game,


Read the reviews on Rebellion and didn't waste my money.


XWA; one of the best Sims of all time, but it was obviously rushed out the door, left unfinished, to make room for the Ep 1 product line.


I concur. Rating of 92.


Phantom Menace; received poor reviews, another product that had terrific potential, but was rusher out the door to make a quick buck. Ep1 Pod Racer; fun but very limited replayability. Probably the best of the Ep1 products. Gungan Frontier; What the heck was THAT???


None of these appealed to me and, after reading the reviews, I must say that I made the right choice.


Force Commander; yet another highly vaunted RTS that 80% of those who play it say it's garbage.


I violated my own cardinal rule of waiting for the reviews on FC (foolish!). My rating: 68.


Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine; a manly version of Tomb Raider. Obi-Wan; who knows??


I'll take your word for it--these haven't interested me. I've only purchased the Star Wars X-Wing series of games and Force Commander.


So you see, this is not foot stomping because of one limited piece of software. It's becoming a history for Lucasarts to make highly touted garbage.


As I said before, read the reviews and Caveat Emptor! As long as people are willing to buy mediocre software just because it has the name "Star Wars" attached to it, mediocre is the best we can hope for from the bean counters controlling Lucas Arts. If it's not up to snuff, don't buy it!




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Guest DrkJdi1973

Granted I'm still a newbie. But has anyone considered the X-Box. Im not a microshaft fan myself, but from what I understand it will be internet ready and upgrade-able. Could LucasArts be shuckin' & jivin' w/Billyboy? (Gates, that is) If so, what is the possablity that LA games will be exclusive X-Box? Just something to think about......May the Sith live on...........

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Scoundrel67:

1. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. If you are one of the few that didn't feel cheated by XvsT/BOP, then I'm happy for you.


2. You needn't shout, (bold print). I can here (and read), just fine thank you.


3. It seems to me that we're both arguing the same points; that Lucasarts is not up to par lately, so why are we arguing?





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Guest Scoundrel67

I wasn't aware that we were arguing, the possible exception being whether or not you or others will ever spend another dime on Lucas Arts software. I'm willing to bet that most people will give LA the benefit of the doubt because of the power and potential of the underlying Star Wars saga. Hope springs eternal (e.g. my pre-ordering of Force Commander), but reality often leaves a bitter aftertaste. We'll see.


Have any of the knights or Sith tried the e-petition that I suggested?

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Guest Vark111

Vark's discourse on 'Console' gaming systems


When I hear the words 'Console Systems' I cringe. I think about Sega's and Nintendo's and Pokemon, and other arcade trash.


But this morning, I started to think deeper. What *exactly* is it that I don't like about Console games? And I came up with a suprisingly short list:


[*]Lack of 'simulation'-style games</li>

[*]No way to use a true HOTAS for those simulations</li>

[*]No way to 'mod' games myself, or play 'mods' done by others</li>

[*]No ability to create and share custom missions/scenarios</li>

Now, some people may shout "What about things like Word processing and the other stuff that PC's can do?" Well, true, but I now have 2 computers in my house. One is used for my regular PC stuff, and the other is purely for gaming. It doesn't even have Wordpad installed on it. Therefore, for my 'gaming' machine... I don't need those other computerly duties.


Then I started thinking... What if someone created a 'console' system that addressed these issues? Well, as much as I'd like to diss Mr. Gates, but the X-Box is looking pretty good in that regard.


Think about it. It *is* a PC... just one that you can't swap video cards or sound cards or processors on. That might sound like a drawback at first, but think of it this way... No more video driver problems. That *plus* you are *guaranteed* to have the exact same system -- right down to the BIOS version -- that the game developer used for testing! That's worth something to me. It may even be worth the $400(est) price tag.


From my point of view as a software developer, the X-Box is a Godsend. A stable hardware platform (you only have to test it on one configuration, because that's the only configuration that exists), minus all the crap about paying royalties to the machine developer. Developers make *more* money, which translates into *more* product, and all of it is *more* stable than existing PC titles...


Plus, rumor has it that it will be able to play most existing Win9x-based PC games out of the box. So it already has a library.


Will there be "hard-core" sims for the X-Box? Depends on the developers, but I'd give it an even-money chance, as long as the X-box is a decent seller. Will I be able to use a true HOTAS? Don't know about this one. This may be the issue my purchase decision comes down to. Will I be able to mod on it? Maybe, but I'm willing to say probably not. This third issue is much less of an issue to me anyway, since there really are only a handful of mods that I regularly use, and I can do without them. Missions? Well, the X-Box is slated to have a 10gig(I think...may be wrong on the number) HD included. Can't see why that wouldn't be used to save those missions.


I still will never purchase a Nintendo, or Sega, or whatnot... But this X-Box thing has got my eyebrows raised.



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Guest Coudrak

Garyah99, I have 214 electronic signatures (IP + Email + pseudo + Date) at http://xwpetition.virtualave.net ...

The list is at http://xwpetition.virtualave.net/cgi-bin/list.pl ...

This isn't a lot, but 214 signatures at the bottom of an e-mail, that does a certain effect smile.gifLucasArts will reply maybe.


(the list can be copied if someone does a petition of the same kind)


[This message has been edited by Coudrak (edited May 20, 2000).]

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Guest Forceflow

As for a petition, you might all heard of the XWA Upgrade Project.

There is a good chance we will add a petition to the dl, if everybody who dls the file will also take part in the petition that would make an AWFUL big number! (That is if the patch will be as good as it seems to be, so far I'd say it could even beat NCA)



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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Coudrak:

Garyah99, I have 214 electronic signatures (IP + Email + pseudo + Date) at http://xwpetition.virtualave.net ...

The list is at http://xwpetition.virtualave.net/cgi-bin/list.pl ...

This isn't a lot, but 214 signatures at the bottom of an e-mail, that does a certain effect smile.gif


(the list can be copied if someone does a petition of the same kind)


[This message has been edited by Coudrak (edited May 20, 2000).]

Okay. That's great. I read your petition and you only seem to be after a game that is multiplayer intensive, based on EP 1 - 3 (most of which we haven't even seen yet). Speaking for myself (and I know more than a few others), I would be more interested in Lucasarts finishing XWA! A new Space Sim based on Ep 1 would be great, but personally I would like to see Lucasarts finish what they have already started.


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Guest DrkJdi1973

I'm not sure about the whole X-box thing myself, im doing good to change my wallpaper so i dont know the first thing about writing "mods" or the like. 10gig, sounds about right, incredable aint it? But my question now becomes, why? If you already own a PC...DUH....why buy the x-box? As you said, you're limited from the word go, until Gates & Co. decide to realease the updates which will no doubt cost ½ the price of the system. It may be nice for the little ones to have in their rooms, but most kids know more about the computer than their parents do. You can always buy a bigger monitor etc... Remains to be seen what will happen. Im curious myself.



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Guest Darth Massacator

I agree with Ms. Talon on WC: Prophecy. I loved the game, but my biggest beefs with the game were:


1.) No remapping of the controls. I hate using the keyboard. I didn't buy a good joystick so I could fumble with the crummy keyboard and I can't even reverse the damn rudders.

2.) Escorts? Sheesh, forget it. I had the damndest time trying to figure out enemy identification and what enemy was attacking what.

3.) Wingmen? Dumb as dirt.


But I *loved* the graphics engine, the unique characteristics of each ship, and the storyline.

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Guest Hans The Great

Hey Darth, you want to see dumb wingmen? Play Starlancer!


As for the X-box, who knows? It sounds like alot of sound and fury to create a PC that hooks up to your TV set. I use my "gaming" machine for work type stuff too and why should I fork over more dough to play games that should rightfully be built for a PC?


I love this industry. Manufacturers get together with software designers to build a machine that nobody really wants. They then create a demand for it by designing software specifically for that machine.

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Guest Scoundrel67

I'll never invest in anything other than PC-based games because one platform is quite enough, thank you. I use my computer as a tool first and as a means of entertainment a very distant second. Sorry, PS2, X-box, Nintendo, etc..., my money is staying in my wallet. If an interesting game is only released for one of the other platforms, then the publishers and developers won't get my money. I'd rather be fishing anyway...



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Guest Coudrak

Personally I will leave XWA for Terminus.

Terminus ( http://www.stationterminus.com ) is (soon) a new space simulation, developed during 3.5 years, very oriented multiplayer, and very realistic. The multiplayer interest me particularly, therefore XWA is for me a true insult for the players (but XvT was very good...)

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Guest Ms. Talon

There are those of us who play for the single-player experience. I, personally, do not have the time or desire to play on-line and "deathmatching" makes me numb after a half-hour. I like good stories and variety in missions/gameplay. I'll leave "deathmatching" to the young men and their itchy trigger-fingers!






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Guest garyah99

I'm with you Ms Talon. I like a good, story driven plot, where the gameplay further develops the story line. That's why Iliked games like Freespace and WC:Prophecy. Prophecy did have it's share of glitches, like the inability to map out the joystick, store memory presets, and the other stuff that you mentioned. Also the FMV sequences skipped and stuttered all over the place (at least on my system). But the story line was excellent. Freespace2 is awesome (so far).



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