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Very disappponting!

Guest Ms. Talon

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Guest Ms. Talon



you should give "Tachyon: The Fringe" a try, I just finished it (on both sides) and it's really a lot of fun. It has 2 distinct story lines and provides for a lot of gameplay. It is highly immersive and all the voice-acting is GREAT!!! The space-stations are absolutely HUMONGOUS and wonderfully eccentric. The fighters can also perform "sliding" manuevers which I hope other space sims would copy...it's when you can spin your ship to point/shoot without changing your flight direction...REALLY cool!!! You can also REVERSE-thrust!


Some caveats:


-Don't expect massive space battles like in XWA or FS-2, the scale of the missions are small...as befits the story line; which is a 'personal' one as opposed to 'epic', like in the other 2 games mentioned.


-The AIs are not that tough, but just turn the difficulty to hard. But since you are generally flying alone or with only ONE hired wingmate, the difficulty level (on hard) is about right. The Bora campaign is definitely the harder of the 2 sides. (plus they are the good guys.)


-There are some silly things they did with the cap-ships (which are really cool to look at) to hide some badly-thought-out gameplay issues...you'll understand what I mean if you play it!


There are a few other niggly things, but hey, no game is without its flaws...


But still, I highly reccommend it if you want a really solid single-player experience in a space-sim.







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited May 29, 2000).]

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Prophecy did have it's share of glitches, like the inability to map out the joystick, store memory presets, and the other stuff that you mentioned. Also the FMV sequences skipped and stuttered all over the place (at least on my system). But the story line was excellent.

I will agree that being unable to remap the joystick was a bit annoying (considering that the missile firing button on mine is on the base.) But the key layout was satifactory (and easier to remember IMO.

Memory presets would have been nice, but you don't really need them with the NAV Map.

The movie stuttering is probably your system (I had something similar on my old computer, but not on my new one).


I seem to get the feeling that some of you did not use the NAV Map. It is one of the better gameplay features, because unlike the XWA version, when you activate it the mission pauses and you can take your time to find out what is happening, who is attacking who, who needs help and who doesn't.

That was the one thing that always bugged me about XWA, you could only use the Map if you were sure that you were safe (and even then you had to be quick).



'Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it...'


Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions

The Fanfiction Archives

New British Empire

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Guest Ms. Talon

Sorry Primarch, I just did not like WC Prophesy at all. I couldn't even figure out who was shooting at me most of the time! And because I CANNOT TYPE, the inability to map the stick meant I spent half the time staring down at the keyboard looking for the right buttons to push! I just found it to be one super-frustrating gaming experience.






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Guest Hans The Great

I bought a programmable joystick. With it, I can set the buttons to different numbers and save those settings to the file. So I have a WC3 setting, a WC Prophecy setting, a XWA setting and so on.


What I did'nt like about WCP was that only a few of the fighters had any real power, while piloting some fighters I would shoot at a bogey way too long to score a hit. Consequently, I had to use the F12 cheat too much.


If you like Tachyon Talon, you might want to try Starlancer, its alot of fun and the ships have some teeth.

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Guest Ms. Talon

I'm still debating whether or not to get Starlancer, the ships in it are BUTT-UGLY!!! And it only has 26 missions, and I don't play on-line, so I'm not sure I'll be happy with its value. Also, ALL the reviews have said that the AIs are pretty useless, especially your wingmen, I'm not fond of the idea of doing everything myself...so I'm still debating.


Our family cannot afford to waste money on games we may not like, so we are very careful on what we buy...so we ALWAYS try the demo first and read a few trusted review sites...unfortunately, they don't seem interested in releasing a demo for Starlancer.







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited May 31, 2000).]

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Guest Hans The Great

Its not as good as Freespace 2 but things blows ups real good in Starlancer. I don't do the multi-player thing either but this is the second time I've played it and its still fun.

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Guest garyah99

Thanks for the info MsT! I was considering Tachyon but didn't get much out of the reviews. I will give it a more serious look see!



"I get by with a little help from my friends...."

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Guest garyah99

Sorry Primarch, the FMV stutters are NOT my system. I installed and played the game on 2 different computers with completely different sets of hardware, with up to date patches and drivers, and the problem occured on both. In addition, I have other games with extensive FMV sequence like "Under a Killing Moon" and "Pandora Directive" and they play fine. It's either a bad disc, or some sort of conflict between the game and my CD-ROM (s).



"I get by with a little help from my friends...."

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It's either a bad disc, or some sort of conflict between the game and my CD-ROM

Hmmm...If it occured on more than one machine then it is probably a bad disc.

As a side note, if I recall correctly from the Tech boards at WCCIC, then I think that faster CD-ROM's also sometimes cause stuttering...from my own experiance my old 24x was okay, but my 44x not only stuttered during the FMV's, but had a nasty habit of freezing the game (usually just before I docked with the Midway...grrr).

My DVD seems to be okay though smile.gif



'Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it...'


Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions

The Fanfiction Archives

New British Empire

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Guest Ms. Talon

Our new 48X CD-ROM has a problem launching XWA, it takes a mind-numbingly long time to launch missions, all you hear is the drive whirring away, then stopping, then whirring....The load bar just stays there forever...and Ive had in-game crashes as well. I have no problems with the newer games we've bought, so I know it's the XWA disc. It launched fine on our old 32X.






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Guest garyah99

Hmmm. Interesting point about high speed CD-ROMs Primarch. One was a 32x, the other was a 48X. And I've noticed the long loading times on my 48X just like Ms Talon. I wonder why that is?



"I get by with a little help from my friends...."

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Guest TK421

Our new 48X CD-ROM has a problem launching XWA, it takes a mind-numbingly long time to launch missions, all you hear is the drive whirring away, then stopping, then whirring....The load bar just stays there forever...and Ive had in-game crashes as well. I have no problems with the newer games we've bought, so I know it's the XWA disc. It launched fine on our old 32X.


Yeah I had the same problem running a 44x , I eventually got so ticked off with it I downloaded the XWA v202 No-CD crack, now the game sits on my drive taking up just under 900mb. But everything loads so fast, epecially missions and movies play seamlessly.

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