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AoK units vs. GB units

Dagobahn Eagle

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The following is a listing of the units in Galactic Battlegrounds and their Age of Kings counterparts


Worker - Villager


Jedi/Sith - Monks (altough the Monks in AoK could heal and were not good in melee combat)


Medic - Monk (the medic cannot cannot convert other units, tough)


Mounted Trooper - Knight

Hvy Mounted Trooper - Cavalier

Adv Mounted Trooper - Paladin


Scout - Scout cavalry


Trooper recruit- Archer

Trooper - Crossbowman

Adv. Trooper - Arbalest

Repeater Trooper - Cho Ko Nu (spelling?)

Unique units - Unique units :)


Transport ship - Transport ship

Lt. Frigate - Galley

Frigate - War Galley

Adv. Frigate - Galleon

Cruiser - Cannon Galleon

Adv. Cruiser - Heavy Cannon Galleon

Destroyer - Fire ship (effective against other ships)

Adv. Destroyer - Fast Fire ship


Utility Trawler - Fishing ship


Plummer - Battering Ram

Hvy Plummer - Siege Ram

Artillery - Mangonel

Hvy Artillery - Onager

Cannon - Trebuchet

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