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dumped to desktop


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Hey everybody, first time poster, hope you can help me out. I absolutely loved this game when it came out, but there's always been one part that glitches and dumps me back to my desktop. When you're talking to the two angle skeletons in the cage, and you get the one to throw the hammer at you, if I end the conversation, the boy says 'so mean' and the game just goes back to the windows desktop. The weird thing is, as I've had this game for years, I don't know what could still be causing it. I've tried a diferent copy of the game, I have a different video card, I have a diferent computer even. The only thing that is the same from all those years back may be my sound card, a Soundblaster Live.


Anyway, does anybody know a way to stop this from happening? (I already have the patch). If not, does anybody have a save file that maybe takes place right after this, so I can finally finish this game? Thanks for your time.

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