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Could some programmer simplify our lives???

Guest Test Crash Droid

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Guest Test Crash Droid



After installing a couple of extra missions, it seems to me that the process could be greatly simplified.


Each mission pack could come with a special text file, which describes the filenames, mission #, etc.


Then, some lucky person who knows C/VB/Perl/Lisp/Fortran/Cobol/etc. could make a niftly little program that could read this file, copy the missions, and edit that *% text file (that file is a PAIN to edit by hand, and change all of those mission numbers). This is especially usefil when adding multiple mission packs.


Anybody up for the challenge?


- Crash Test Droid

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Guest JC_DeadEye

Why don't you go make new opts, then come back, and explain how hard adding missions is. A deal?



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Guest Test Crash Droid

Adding missions IS a pain in the rear. If you examine the standard MISSION.LST file, you will find 52 missions. Next, add about 10 missions. These missions might come with their own MISSION.LST file, with the new missions being 53 and higher.


Next, add another dozen missions. If this comes with its own MISSION.LST file, and you use it, you overwrite the last missions that you just added. The only other way (that I know of) is to copy-and-paste the text of the new missions to the old file. Then, you have to re-number the missions and battles. If you are adding a lot of missions, this is a lot of re-numbering. Removing misssions is similarly a pain, as you have to re-number all successive missions.


While it is not conceptually difficult, it does take time doing something that a PERL script could do in an instant.

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