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Ways to kill Bill!

Guest Emp_Palpatine

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Guest Emp_Palpatine

If you ppl have been here long enough or read the announcement, u might already know what kind of an a*s he is. He posted P O R N pictures on the forum and ruined the Site's and the Forum's REPUTATION! Now lets think of ways in which we can kill him!


heres mine:


Bill being stepped on by an AT-AT

Bill being sliced into pieces by Darth Maul

Bill being corpse exploded by a Necromancer

Bill being choked by Darth Vader

Bill being force "moved" by Yoda and gets flipped 1000 times and eventually is thrown down from the Top floor of the Imperial Palace to the abandoned garbage chutes below.


Now tell me urs!

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Emp_Palpatine why make a thread about this? What he did was horrible and sick but he is gone/not posting anymore, so whats the point?

BTW Were you there? When this happened?I was. I don't remember seeing you there...unless you were a guest

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You could have him sliced and diced be jedi and sith lords, stepped on :atat: (and run over) by all non-gungan mechs in GB(you should know what that is), the MW games (MechWarrior for all ye non abbreviated people)and all mechs known to mankind, have a nuke shot at him, have a spaceship (preferably a klingon bird o' prey) land on him, tie him to a post and fly a fighter through him, blast him with all energy weapons known to man, cut off his arms and legs with a chainsaw, throw him off a cliff, then do them all together, reviving him between each death, all the while showing a bunch of lights and fireworks, playing the celebration music at the end of Episode 1, and having Jar Jar commentate!!!:D:jarjar:

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