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Hidden Image in ship texture...

Guest SGSmitty

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Guest SGSmitty

I was playing a mission this weekend and I was flying around one of the transport (cargo?) ships and flying right underneath one. I happen to use my hat switch and look straight up at the transport as I cruised underneath it. I was surprised when I noticed a skull clearly inbedded in the texture although I do not think it was meant to be there as a actual ship marking.


Anyone else notice something like this?


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Guest JC_DeadEye

can you find out exactly which ship it was that you first noticed the "skull" when flying it?



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Guest OtanaMan

Realize this post is on twice...all I can say is "whoops".




Hey, SGSmitty...look familiar? You know what I think? I think this is actually a texture of a mechanical part on the Rebel Transport.


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Guest SGSmitty

Yep, that's it. Looks like it is deliberate image as opposed to a mechanical part. But then again, could be coincidence. Makes you wonder if there are things to keep an eye out.



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Guest OtanaMan

I'm gonna keep an eye out for more of these interesting textures. That skull one you found was quite amazing.


I bet everyone already knows this, but there is a texture difference between Emon's Andrasta and just any FRS. The Andrasta has a texture of a green woman near the laser cannons. A regular FRS has nothing.

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Guest Thrawn

I never noticed things like this before.

Keep a look out for a rabbit or rabbit's head texture! LEC usually puts max in all it's games.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Toscan

The game is afoot, the hunt is on. Whoever finds max wins!



Abnormal, or special, wichever way you look at it, I'm still me

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apparently there is a picture of Jesus in one of the textures in an underground level of Half Life.

Im not sure exactly where but ive seen the screen shot and the likeness is great. But sometimes its just coincidence, and the more people say it is there, the more you can see it yourself, like subliminal advertising in a way (remember people swore they could see naked women in the ice of a Gordons Gin advert! though there was none)

Though i do believe that games designers do get bored and insert things like this into their games for a laugh, thats why we have cheats to work out, and hidden levels or sub-games.... and of course the funny glitches that provide us with amusing screenshots =)




Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear......Fear is my ally





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Guest Thrawn

And in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine there is an R2-D2 wall painting.

I think I remember vaguley about max's head being on the hull of a ISD. Not sure tho.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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In Raiders of the Lost Ark there's a hieroglyphic panel in one scene with R2 and 3P0 surrounded by Egyptians.


There's a pic somewhere on TF.N, but I don't feel like looking for it.



What doesn't kill me only makes me stranger.


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited June 23, 2000).]

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Guest Thrawn

I didn't know that. Any idea what part of the movie?



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Barakuda

I realize this is only vaugley XWA related, but I heard that Sam of Sam and Max fame is found in Jedi Knight behind a locked door on level 5(?). Is this true and exactly how does one open the door? I waited and waited for the woman to come back, but she never did.

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Guest Wedgey

I know the bit you're talking about but I'm not sure how to get the woman to come back. Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't smile.gif


Oh, and while we're talking about films, I heard the Millenium Falcon is supposed to be in Blade Runner as a building, standing on its side, but I've never spotted it.

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ID put things like that into there games. The Dopefish from Commander Keen is in Quake 1 and Quake 3. Also in Quake 3 if you fall off The Bouncy Map (DM16 i think) and look back up at the level there is a picture on the bottom of the level. You can also find John Carmacks head in a corner of that map with the BFG high from bouncepads and the Battlesuit and the Quad is on a platform passed pendulum things.

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When you get to the bottom of the flight of stairs after passing through the first building, listen and you'll hear the door open. Go straight around the corner (ignore the cantina down the other way, if you go in, you'll be too late) and you should spot the girl disappearing over the bridge. Wait a minute or so and she'll return (you can follow her, but I call that a waste of effort). Go through the door right after her, if it closes it'll stay closed.


Once you're in, walk over to the big chair and face Max. Press [spacebar] to wake him up, and open the door to let him out. "Activate" him again and you'll switch to the Max-cam. He may need a nudge over the bridge, and he'll attack any non-players he encounters including civillians.


Whatever you do, don't attack him, he's nigh invulnerable and his blaster does massive damage.


I never wake him because I play on the Light Side; and I'm always compelled to take him down when he starts shooting up the marketplace.



"Cavalry's here. . . Cavalry's a frightened guy with a rock, but he's here" --Xander Harris

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