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Problems playing JO in JA


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Originally posted by obijon1138

Great! ...now where would I find that?...the map entity define.

Duh...uh it was still asleep when I posted this. There are quite a few entities that are left out...I don't think I could list every single one of them.


I have played a few levels in MP and noticed that some ARE recognized. But still there are game freezes because there is not a "player" entity as there is in SP. Or is there? Although I haven't tried my scripts in MP yet.


You could decompile the maps and manually put them in as lukeskywalker1 had to do. But that would be more trouble than it's worth when you can work around most of that with scripting. I mean, that's a LOT of maps.


Still the water/weather thing on Yavin.... :confused: cannot be worked around.

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Originally posted by obijon1138

Duh...uh it was still asleep when I posted this. There are quite a few entities that are left out...I don't think I could list every single one of them.


I have played a few levels in MP and noticed that some ARE recognized. But still there are game freezes because there is not a "player" entity as there is in SP. Or is there? Although I haven't tried my scripts in MP yet.


You could decompile the maps and manually put them in as lukeskywalker1 had to do. But that would be more trouble than it's worth when you can work around most of that with scripting. I mean, that's a LOT of maps.


Still the water/weather thing on Yavin.... :confused: cannot be worked around.


No, I didn't decompile them... I was talking about maps I had made.


About the water on Yavin:


The water has a sweet shader that adds a small layer of fog over top of the water, and also adds a lot of detail to it. I think thats whats causing the "solid" like nature. I think the fog is solid, while the water is normal. The fog is on top of the water, so you just walk on top of it, but like you said, if you use NOCLIP, your in the water so you can swim. Edit the shader and it should work... maybe.

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Originally posted by obijon1138

Duh...uh it was still asleep when I posted this. There are quite a few entities that are left out...I don't think I could list every single one of them.

Just email me the defines for the ones that don't work.


I have played a few levels in MP and noticed that some ARE recognized. But still there are game freezes because there is not a "player" entity as there is in SP. Or is there? Although I haven't tried my scripts in MP yet.


"player" is still in use by JKA.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

The water has a sweet shader that adds a small layer of fog over top of the water, and also adds a lot of detail to it. I think thats whats causing the "solid" like nature. I think the fog is solid, while the water is normal. The fog is on top of the water, so you just walk on top of it, but like you said, if you use NOCLIP, your in the water so you can swim. Edit the shader and it should work... maybe.


That shader is cool but doesn't show in JA...:(damn, too bad.


So I tried editing the shaders...no luck. But while switching water shaders I came across this.




You will notice a seam between the player and the reborn, a marker kind of, on yavin_canyon where the water works and where the water doesn't.


Next slide... now the player mounts the seam as if it were a ledge inside the water.




Next slide... now the player is submerged on the side that the water works. Notice the block or seam wall in front of him. ???????????????




Originally posted by razorace

Just email me the defines for the ones that don't work.


"player" is still in use by JKA.


I'll get you something soon...

as for the "player" entity, in MP what is a player indentified as? Like what the Icarus script will read by. In JO SP it's "kyle", in JA SP it's "player".


So what about mp? I have tried the scripts and MP doesn't respond to either. So would it be "client"?


Oh and I was wrong about the waypoints in MP. It's just the same as SP, except the NPCs have a higher response.

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I'll get you something soon...

as for the "player" entity, in MP what is a player indentified as? Like what the Icarus script will read by. In JO SP it's "kyle", in JA SP it's "player".


In single player they use an entity called the "Info_Player_Start"

Its the only thing that is used in SP. In MP, however, one info_player_start is required for the map to work correctly, but after that some mappers use info_player_deathmatch (which is just a normal FFA spawnpoint) an Info_Player_deathmatch does the same thing as an Info_player_start.


As far as I know, all the entities in SP should work, except for navgoals.




Notice the extra Jedi Outcast Nav_goals. I know for a fact that Nav_goal4 is used in JK2 a lot. I was using that in my maps (see my redemption trailer in my sig, all of those walking points were nav_goal4s, but I had to switch them because of Jedi Academy)


Nav_goal4 is a small and convienent way to make NPCs walk, they are thin, so you know exactly where the NPC will go, and it doesn't clutter the map as much (in my opinion) For some reason, Raven removed them from JKA SP. Too bad.

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I think JA went to custom animations in most cutscenes rather than navgoals. I pretty much have had to use the spawnpoints as navgoals, it has worked for the most part. :/


Did you notice the block in the water? Strange...


In MP is there a name for the client? Just for the scripts to activate. Like this line to activate the lift at the beginning of bespin_streets:


affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );

wait ( 1000.000 );

use ( "uplift" );



This line activates the lift at the start of the level. In JA SP the firstperson is "player", in JO firstperson is "kyle". If JA can't find a "player" entity the script freezes and the lift won't move.

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Oh yeah, forgot about that.


In MP... I don't think there is a name, because you can't control the player.


You could edit the scripts. They are in the JK2 MP SDK.. I think. You should compile them with the new BehavEd compiler, which comes with the JKA MP SDK.


This wouldn't be a lot of fun though, there are hundreds of scripts, and thousands of references.

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Originally posted by obijon1138

as for the "player" entity, in MP what is a player indentified as? Like what the Icarus script will read by. In JO SP it's "kyle", in JA SP it's "player".


So what about mp? I have tried the scripts and MP doesn't respond to either. So would it be "client"?


Oh and I was wrong about the waypoints in MP. It's just the same as SP, except the NPCs have a higher response.


I have it set up as "player". As for who the "player" is, I have it set up to be whoever currently has the highest score. There is some issues with referring to the "player" before anyone spawns into the map, but I think I've resolved most of the issues. :)

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

You could edit the scripts. They are in the JK2 MP SDK.. I think. You should compile them with the new BehavEd compiler, which comes with the JKA MP SDK.


This wouldn't be a lot of fun though, there are hundreds of scripts, and thousands of references.


Already done that and you're right it wasn't much fun.:)

I have replaced all "kyle" lines with "player" lines. Plus have made it optional for you to choose between male and female voices and have your character choice show up in the cutscenes.


The only problems I have left to deal with:

1.The yavin_water problems

2.Galak will not spawn for the cutscenes or the boss level.

3.Navgoals-there are still a few things I can't get around.


Originally posted by razorace

I have it set up as "player". As for who the "player" is, I have it set up to be whoever currently has the highest score. There is some issues with referring to the "player" before anyone spawns into the map, but I think I've resolved most of the issues. :)


If you have it fixed that way I would be glad to donate my scripts to the OJP.

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That would be great. :) If you're going to pass them over, please be sure to send the source files as well as the compiled versions.


Also, what do you mean by...

Plus have made it optional for you to choose between male and female voices and have your character choice show up in the cutscenes.
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I'm not real sure about it. You can spawn NPC Galak and NPC galak_mech from the console.


On the maps kejim_base and doom_shields it calls out for NPC_galak both times even though they are different models on each map.


It must be some sort of code in JO that selects the model.


Oh and I meant I edited the scripts so that if you choose a male character you get a male voice and vice-versa for female chars. Just like in JA.


Except the male voice is Kyle's and the female voice is Jaden's for now....

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Originally posted by razorace

Oh ok. That's because there isn't a map entity to spawn Galak in JKA. It's easy to fix for OJP.


But isn't there only Kyle's voice availible?


No way for Galak in sp eh?:(


If you script the sound lines like JA, both can be available.

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I went back and changed all the sound lines...


task ( "KYLE_LINE1" )


sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kyle/11kyk001.wav" );



To the jaden_male soundfiles and renamed all of the kyle soundfiles to match. JA reads jaden_male as female if you select a female character.

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  • 3 years later...

I've dug up my copies of Academy & Outcast recently & reinstalled them.


lots of fun :)


Did any ever get the Outcast maps playable in academy & have files fixing the cutscenes & such as mentioned above? I'm interested in obtaining such filese.

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