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New Download Site for Star Wars Battlefront files and more!


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Hey there fans! This is AndrewD from FilesNetwork *NOMORELINK*


We have just opened out latest addition to the FilesNetwork family: Star Wars Battlefront Files!


SWBFFiles.com is the place to get the latest mods, patches, skins, maps, and more for Star Wars Battlefront! So come over to Star Wars Battlefront Files now and check it out!


Here is the link: *unlinked*


A few other things that we offer:


-Free website hosting for mods and movie makers.

-Picture of the Day, File and News Voting, and Files of the Week

-Awesome question support, and wonderful admins who are always ready to anwser the toughest questions.

-News & File submission system.

-Clan recruitment announcing


There is much more to offer, but those are just some of the larger and greater things available to the public. So come on over now and check it out


We hope you enjoy the site!



Please don't advertise your site here with a thread. You can advertise it in your signature. ~ET

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